Don't you find this a bit counter intuitive? I would think you'd be encouraging vendors to get Hivewire figure stuff in as many stores and in front of as many potential customers as you can. These figures really need the exposure, so putting them in one place seems counter intuitive to me.
But, what do I know?
That was exactly my first thought when it comes to giving Dawn more exposure, but I understand why stores want to keep products exclusive, or at least discourage vendors from selling elsewhere. It's when the commercial and marketing sides don't agree with each other.
Just to be clear, I did not say that "HiveWire ONLY wants Items to be sold exclusively here".
The comment made was "HW has a hefty penalty if I sell it elsewhere", which implies that it is not worth selling something at HiveWire as well, if you are also selling it at another store.
The points that I was making were:
1) There is not any "penalty" for vendors choosing to sell something elsewhere AS WELL AS at HiveWire's store. You simply are rewarded for selling the product here exclusively by getting a slightly higher percentage of the sales...just like at other 3D marketplaces.
We have CAs who choose to sell products here and also sell that product elsewhere. That's an option when you submit a product.
2)If a product is sold here non-exclusively and the CA wants to later change it to being exclusive, they can, and then they'd get the higher percentage from that point on.
There are 3 options for people selling products for HW figures:
1-Sell them here exclusively
2-Sell them here and at another store as well
3-Sell them only at another store
What store wouldn't prefer 1 or 2?

That said, this is the only 3D store's forum I'm aware of that not only ALLOWS people to link directly to products at other stores, but has a specific forum for people who are choosing option 3, to promote their products for HiveWire figures.