Dances with Bees
Another part of my Kit Bash Kit - Equestrian for Dawn
That's looking nice Traci.
Nice job on the Bulk morphing.
Now the horse has elegant person to ride him.
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
Only thing I would like, is a morph/dial to enlarge the helmet (but not chin strap) a bit so I can fit whatever hair I have (like that bun hair I have with no bun applied).... is that possible?
Bet Sateria's Eton Crop would work with helmut as it is... So would Fabiana's Paris65 hair! 3Dream Luna UpDo with bun invisible works, fitted to Dawn.
I've seen this handled two ways on products that I've bought. One is to provide hair as part of the product. April's Beanie Hair comes to mind. Another way is to create a product that has some morphs for a handful of hairs. The trouble then is which hairs to do.
I would suggest Satira's Eton Crop hair as well, but not everyone has it. Other than that, I have no suggestions.
Sorry Traci, it's not a standalone product. It's part of Satira's Clarette Rose set.I looked in the store for this hair but can't find perhaps?
Shouldn't the user be able to scale the hair so that only the right parts are visible?
Some hair products come with Hat Hair morphs, but not all do. I guess it would depend on whether the user uses Limits On. I know I do, so I'd have to turn that off if I wanted to do something extreme.