Oh yes. Tsuki is a juvenile delinquent. If she were human, I'm sure she would be sneaking out of the house at night and getting into all kinds of trouble. Currently, she's squeezed herself under a wire shelf (the kind that have legs that you stick in cupboards for extra shelving) that sits on the floor near the computer. Since the unused desktop phone is also under there, she doesn't really have that much space. But it's a nice hidey hole since I have stuff stacked on top of it (like software boxes and cables and what not, and a small DeLonghi fan in front of it. So, it's only open on the one side (which is the narrow side, and she has to squeeze over the phone to get in and out of there.
I wonder if that's where she was hiding yesterday when I got home from the periodontist? I looked and looked all over the apartment and called and called her, then when I went back to the door thinking maybe she'd got out when I came in ... she appeared behind me. I swear she was laughing at me because she'd so successfully hidden from me. She has a hiding place somewhere I haven't found yet.
So, I opened the balcony door and stood there this morning. Sure enough, she came over and sat down politely in front of the screen door. Then with no warning, she jumped and bolted up to the top of the screen. I caught her before she made it to the top. She got rather annoyed with me because I wouldn't let go until she let go of the screen. Then after I set her back down, she did the same thing again!