LOL Yes... my Bear on the other hand, has a naturally very, very high tolerance to the stuff. When he turned 21, the first bit of alcohol he drank was Bacardi 151... and you would never have known he'd had a full flippin' water glass of the stuff, either, unless you saw him drink it. He has to take in a LOT to get even a buzz.
He, therefore, also stays away from it for the most part. Nowadays he will have a beer every so often, or maybe one hard liquor on a night or two in the month. But he doesn't drink for a buzz, he only goes for the stuff he likes the flavor of, and it's very tightly controlled.
When he DOES manage to get drunk, he turns mean. So we have a sort of standing agreement - he HAS to ask me first, and if I say no, it's NO. But it's worked for us, and he's been very good about it for many years now.