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Remember These???


Remember this movie?????


That's Pierce Brosnan and Stephanie Zimberlist in Remington Steel TV series. She's the daughter of Efrem Zimberlist, Jr., one of the stars of 77 Sunset Strip TV series.
I didn't really watch 77 Sunset Strip, as I was too young to follow what it was about. But I used to love watching him on Sunday Nights on THE FBI. I think was eith after Ed Sullivan or Bonanza. Efrem also played Alfred on the Animated versions of Batman.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I didn't really watch 77 Sunset Strip, as I was too young to follow what it was about. But I used to love watching him on Sunday Nights on THE FBI. I think was eith after Ed Sullivan or Bonanza. Efrem also played Alfred on the Animated versions of Batman.
Yes, I watched The FBI, and he made several appearances in another TV show I watched regularly, Murder, She Wrote, and several episodes of Remington Steel. Hmmm, I wonder how he got THAT part. ;)


Burt Bacharach and Hal David wrote this song, and BJ Thomas made it a hit in '70. He also had "Hey, won' cha play, another somebody-done-somebody-wrong song, and make me feel at home, 'cause I miss my baby," and "I'm hooked on a feeling. I'm high on believing that you're in love with me."
He met the Lord in the 70's and got off drugs, and he went Home Where [he] Belong last year to see the King.