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Remember These???


That was it. Merv Griffith was a talk show mouthpiece.

That name would be rough to be introduced to strangers. "I'd like you meet Mr. Slaughter"

Maybe as a WWTF character. Although Murray is probably not the ideal first name for that occupation. That's only a step above Tutu. Tutu Slaughter.
Remember Sgt. Slaugther? :)


Americans will probably have no idea as to what show this is from in the '70s :inverted: :D

The Bush Administration!


”Dad’s Army” or ”Father‘s Army”…or something like that…
I only saw a couple of episodes, either in Europe or maybe on a late night TV spot in the mid eighties…
The spot was called “Thames on Nine” and was a random collection of older British TV shows on WWOR TV in N.Y. back before it became part of the UPN network or the Borg Collective or whoever bought them up… or perhaps I saw it on PBS (Public Broadcast Service) …
PBS is mostly educational television, but it used to have lots of good British shows, like Mont Python and The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (with my all time favorite Sherlock Holmes, Jeremy Brett)…
Okay, Steven Strange made a good Sherlock Holmes and even though Bilbo Baggins was recast a discharged army doctor instead of a telekinetic hobbit like in the original books, I liked the Brett series better.
But anyway, I think the Captain guy in the photo was in some other show too… maybe as an obnoxious bank manager or business owner…?... If he’s the same guy I’m thinking of, I think I read about him having narcolepsy… or lycanthropy…
One of those… its the one where you turn into a sleepy werewolf.
Then again my brain makes up a lot of stories about celebrities… for example, did you know that Judy Dench rode an ostrich every day to the set of “Best Erotic Marigold Hotel” and that Patrick McGoohan was raised by otters and stabbed to death by one of his otter siblings because of a gambling debt?…
Not a lot of people know that…
I didn’t either until my brain told me about it.
Did I make up Patrick McGoohan?…
That really sounds like a name I’d make up… although I’d probably choose “Shamus”, not “Patrick“… or “Chester”… Chester would be unexpected… also I’d probably make his surname “McGoohannahannahan” with a number after it… Chester McGoohannahannahan XXII… because there needs to be a family history with that name.
Is Judy Dench real either?…
Maybe she was one of the leaders of those ostrich riding gangs that were a big problem in 80s London.
They made a video game about that… Grand Theft Ostrich.
Sometimes I see a movie like Golden Eye, and then associate one of the actors with someone from the news, which is why I though that the lady who played James Bond’s boss was an ostrich who was in a movie about retired MI6 agents moving to India, when she was really an ostrich gangster who rode actresses around London in the 80s.
But I digress…
Actually, I haven’t digressed that much… I haven’t brought kangaroos or penguins into this yet, so this might actually stay on track…
Wait… I made my point… I gave my answer… in the first sentence no less.
”Dad’s Army” for $500 and the Broyhill recliner.
Did I win?
Why are you still reading this?
Don‘t you know reading stuff I wrote can give you brain damage?
It’ll definitely make you gassy.
I don’t know how that works, but it’s been proven in clinical studies involving kangaroos working at a Bunnings Warehouse in Fyshwick, Canberra… Canberra… Okay… Fishwick sounds made up, but I know it’s real… I most likely made up Canberra… though I probably would called it Canabananas… That’s definitely easier to remember and it plays on the sentiments of people who like bananas, like chimpanzee and gibbons.
Anyway, some folks blame the flatulence on the sausage sizzles, but head researcher, Dr. Thaddeus Penguin noted that the sausage sizzles actually are associated with acid reflux and hallucinations and generally not flatulence.
Oop… Kangaroos and penguins!
Well, I reached my goal of working both into this reply.
Have a great day and thank you for asking this question as I needed to exercise my daily writing and eye strain infliction quota.
Judy Dench actually rode a *penguin* dressed as an ostrich, and she made it hop like a kangaroo. So your confusion is understandable. It was a long time ago.

In a galaxy far, far away.


My sister bought my brother and I a World Book Enclyclopedia back in the 60s when we were kids. We used them to death. I think I still have one left. So I decided to look up how much to buy a new set. I'll let you know when my heart calms down.


My sister bought my brother and I a World Book Enclyclopedia back in the 60s when we were kids. We used them to death. I think I still have one left. So I decided to look up how much to buy a new set. I'll let you know when my heart calms down.
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I grew up (post landing on the moon) with encyclopedias that pre-dated the space age. I still love the fanciful "rock ship" pictures. Luckily, our school reports never touched on anything that new. It was like history ended on VE day. There was never a VJ day, except in passing mention. No Korea. No Vietnam (what with it still going on until 5th grade). Pretty much everything we were taught about US history was wrong. Even most of the dates we had to memorize. I assume the very little non-US history we covered was even more incorrect.

Yes, school taught me one thing. Faking it enough to pass. And that served me well in the corporate world :)


I grew up (post landing on the moon) with encyclopedias that pre-dated the space age. I still love the fanciful "rock ship" pictures. Luckily, our school reports never touched on anything that new. It was like history ended on VE day. There was never a VJ day, except in passing mention. No Korea. No Vietnam (what with it still going on until 5th grade). Pretty much everything we were taught about US history was wrong. Even most of the dates we had to memorize. I assume the very little non-US history we covered was even more incorrect.

Yes, school taught me one thing. Faking it enough to pass. And that served me well in the corporate world :)
I would cheat sometimes and just copy the book.:devil";)


Where did those letters come from, I always wondered.
I knew the numeric scales (engineer, but not the "toot toot" kind). I still don't get what the letters meant? If I had to guess, I would suspect german words. Like DIN standard.