We've had Dusk 2 in the works for several months now, but it seemed too early to be posting anything, seeing that Dawn 2 is not quite ready for beta. She needs to get in the hands of a broader audience of artists to start creating for her soon. When Dawn 2 is beta ready has been the trigger for starting a Dusk 2 thread. But... because of the serious health challenges that Lisa is currently struggling with, I want to share what I think can be a bright spot and hopefully a light to start the new year for HiveWire. So with a bright spot being the impetus for beginning this new thread, here goes. We simply need to keep moving forward!!
Dusk 2 has begun, and as usual we will be sharing screen grabs along the way. Our intention is not to make Dusk 2 a two year project as Dawn 2 will be this coming March. So sorry for the tremendous delay for her. We are adding in a bunch of bells and whistles for Dawn 2, but perhaps we can release Dusk 2 in stages with smaller morph packs with a solid base.
As to the Dusk 2 base figure, it shares the same newly improved pure quad mesh that I've created for Dawn 2. The newly created Dawn 2 UVs will also be the same for Dusk 2, so those are done already.
As with Dawn 2 we have a Dawn S.E. morph. Dusk 2 also has a Dusk S.E. morph. The default body shape and position is very similar to that of Dusk S.E. Dusk 2 has a smoother shape. I've made this arms, shoulders and traps a bit smaller. I've made improvements on his abs, pelvis and hip area. His natal cleft shape is improved at the top of the sacrum level and is more natural. His crotch area is smaller at default and will be easier to work with as a content creator. His facial features are softer. His nose, brows, jawline and chin are less pronounced and will work better as a default shape. His lips are also not as full. Other subtle features have been tweaked.
Here are some first looks at our new Dusk 2. We're excited to share him with you, and by the way HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all from HiveWire 3D.
Dusk 2 has begun, and as usual we will be sharing screen grabs along the way. Our intention is not to make Dusk 2 a two year project as Dawn 2 will be this coming March. So sorry for the tremendous delay for her. We are adding in a bunch of bells and whistles for Dawn 2, but perhaps we can release Dusk 2 in stages with smaller morph packs with a solid base.
As to the Dusk 2 base figure, it shares the same newly improved pure quad mesh that I've created for Dawn 2. The newly created Dawn 2 UVs will also be the same for Dusk 2, so those are done already.
As with Dawn 2 we have a Dawn S.E. morph. Dusk 2 also has a Dusk S.E. morph. The default body shape and position is very similar to that of Dusk S.E. Dusk 2 has a smoother shape. I've made this arms, shoulders and traps a bit smaller. I've made improvements on his abs, pelvis and hip area. His natal cleft shape is improved at the top of the sacrum level and is more natural. His crotch area is smaller at default and will be easier to work with as a content creator. His facial features are softer. His nose, brows, jawline and chin are less pronounced and will work better as a default shape. His lips are also not as full. Other subtle features have been tweaked.
Here are some first looks at our new Dusk 2. We're excited to share him with you, and by the way HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all from HiveWire 3D.