Q. the parrots in Australian volumes are they updated?
or does the parrots of the world have to purchased to get the Australian updates?
The Australian volumes have not yet been updated. They will be. It just takes a lot of work and time to update 1,000+ bird library. One thing I have been starting to do is update "parts" of volumes. Now that I have a couple functional updated models (like parrots and gamebirds), I've been pulling birds from some non-updated sets like the buttonquail, budgerigar, cockatiel, the Citron cockatoo as updating those when I have spare time. What means that sets like Australia v3, Pet Shop and Second Edition will be much easier to complete when I do start them (see example). What I really need to get done is the update of the base SBRM model which will unlock the key to many of these sets being rereleased.
...but to answer your question, for now, if you want those updated Australian parrots now, the Parrots of the World set is the only way to get them. You'll probably want that set anyways because in my freebies on my website, the female Red-tailed Black Cockatoo is in the Parrots of the World section.
Speaking of parrots, I know a lot of you have waited patiently through my sale for more parrots. With the final weekend now here, maybe its about time I introduce you to some of the new stars in the Songbird ReMix universe. Macaws are New World parrots. They have proportionately larger beaks, long tails, and relatively bare, light-colored, medial (facial patch) areas that distinguish them from other parrots. A macaw's facial feather pattern is as unique as a fingerprint.
There are 18 species of macaw; 5 species are spread out in various SBRM volumes (Amazon, Yucatan, TEE2, TEE3 and C&U3), but the remaining 13 species (and 1 subspecies) can now be found in the new "Parrots v2: Macaws of the World" set.
The "presumed extinct" Glaucous Macaw from Macaws of the World
What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.
-- Gandhi
What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.
-- Gandhi
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