Exercise is far, far easier to keep up with if you are doing something you enjoy that happens to involve being active. Willpower is finite, trying to keep it up by willpower alone is setting yourself up to fail. Try stuff that might be fun or that interests you. Dance class, or fencing, or playing frisbee with somebody's dog, or medieval swordfighting, or rock climbing, or even photography if that gets you exploring the outdoors on foot. It doesn't have to be labelled an exercise class to count as beneficial physical activity.
Exercise is also easier to maintain if you can find a way to make it part of everyday life rather than something unenjoyable that you also have to make a special effort to do. I got a deskcycle, which is an exercise bike small enough to fit under my desk, so I can pedal whenever I'm working at the computer, that works for me.
Cooking your own food can be quite quick, cheaper than buying ready meals, and cooking can be fun and relaxing (Or in the case of kneading bread, stress relieving and surprisingly good exercise- there you go, exercise and low salt food in one). If you have the opportunity, growing your own food provides tasty, healthy eating and exercise as well.
I hope you can find a combination of solutions that works for you.
That is a good point and something I am trying to convince my doctor of. So far she has urged me to join a slimming club and gym and also a football training club. Now I have never been keen on slimming clubs or gyms and I am in the minority of men in the UK in that football bores me to tears as does anything connected to it including footballers and, in many cases, their wives as well.
The point is that the diabetes is probably going to shorten my life, I say probably as no one has ever told me when I am going to die so when the time comes, it is going to be difficult to decide if I went early. That being the case I want to enjoy what life I have left. I am not against the exercise, hence the walking clubs where I get to meet other people and can go along with my wife. The slimming clubs are free but only for me so if I were to join I would either have to do it alone or pay for my wife to join and I have this strange aversion of not wanting to pay for something I am not going to enjoy.
Diet wise I have never been a junk food eater but I did have a very varied eating schedule as I traveled across time zones a lot and, while I enjoyed the work, it was fairly intense and often stressful. This and a history of diabetes on my mother's side of the family is probably what did it for me but sadly I only found out about the medical history of my family after I was diagnosed with diabetes. Had I have known before I might have changed my lifestyle but then you cannot change where you have been, only where you are going.