added to what has been said watch out for Sodium Nitrite (not nitrates) which is added to cured meats like bacon and ham etc. Nitrites are a cause of cardiovascular issues. I am not sure where you live but I know the States has more harmful additives than here in the UK.
About 18 months ago I discovered The Joe Rogan Experience (warning he swears a lot) on Youtube and one of his guests a Doctor Rhonda Patrick had me captivated by her knowledge of the human body. She is on the cutting edge of this subject in her work. Since watching every video of when she was on a few times to drill the info in I have lost a stone and a half by adjusting what I eat. This is without any extra exercise though I do walk the dogs everyday for at least an hour. I have had blood works done and I am not defincent in any micro nutrients. My LDL cholesterol has lowered because my
triglycerides count went down after a year.This is the best indicator. I can't wait to see what it is like in July. But I feel a lot better.
I don't eat processed foods, refined sugar, fruit with a lot of fructose (we can't metabolise fructose without fibre and it just turns to fat especially in the liver , so I stick with berries and grapes. Semi sweet apples are ok as they contain fibre. No Juices due to the lack of fibre and if we eat good quality meat our bodies can produce Vit C no problem. I don't eat wheat I opt for sourdough rye bread. I never worry about salt but I don't go overboard with it. I only use Rock salt too.
I have always cooked so cooking everything with good quality unprocessed foods was a no brainer for me. I cook two chinese type meals a week, full of fresh organic veg and always broccoli with is a good source of fibre. Why organic as there is most micronutrients in organic veg. non organic has about half the micronutrients as organic does due to how it is grown in almost sterile soil.
Fibre is key for a healthy microbiome and refined sugar really messes with the microbiome leading to all sorts of health issues like inflammation. Yes all inflammation starts there. My arthritis is much better these days with feeding my microbiome good fibre. Mainly from dark leafy greens.
I take 4000 mlg of fish oil a day ( 4 x 1000 mlg capsules)
1 Garlic tablet to flush out any mercury in the fish oil.
1 Curcumin with added Pepperine to help slow down absorption. This help with my arthritis but a side effect is it helps with lowering LDL cholesterol . LDL Low Density Lipids which is the bad cholesterol as opposed to HDL (high density Lipids) which we need for many things heart and brain for example.
1 vit D a day in the winter
1 Multi vit a week as a top up.
I magnesium a week as a top up.
I could go on with more but too much info at once isn't good for the gray matter.