There are karaoke bars all over this city. I was in one last night and I got a wild hair up my butt. My boss and his boss both came into the bar. I let loose on "Let It Go" from the movie "Frozen". Not a single person in the place could believe that I could sing it. I got a few free drinks from it.Hey Rokkit, it's really nice you have a common interest with your daughter, and music is a great one. Being unable to play anything except 'Mary had a little lamb' on the plastaflute when I was eight and being told not to give up my day job when I sing, I'm more than a little envious.
Can't have 'em doing that!Got it! But it will have to wait till later today to install and texture. If I start the gennie up now at 1am, my neighbours might come over and drill a hole in the boat!
It's fun for me. I think if I had to do it for a living I wouldn't enjoy it as much. And I'm 49 now, not 21. I don't qualify for American Idol anymore!Ah, so you CAN give up your day job. You can busk your way round the world and sing for your drinksMe, they would pay me to leave!
It's because the competition in most of these contests are your typical guys who can't sing but you can't convince them of that when they are drunk. I entered a couple of them and won the thing with only one song. Now if I am there, they won't let me enter because no one else will if I am on the roster. It's a money making thing for the bar.True, taking what you enjoy doing for pleasure and then making a living off it can take the enjoyment out of it. Happened to me when I went professional with got so I didn't want to look at a camera. But not letting you in the competitions?! That's a bit harsh.
Yeah, but I don't mind. A lot of times when I am out there, people will buy me drinks and pay for songs for me to sing. In these bars, you pay to play. It saves me a ton of cash and I get to exercise my voice. It's win-win for me there. So what if I can't enter a contest where the winner gets a few bucks?Shucks, your reputation precedeth you, huh.