Vietnam. It was on the news every night. I was in my senior year of high school and the guys were required to register with the draft and take part in the lottery. All we saw on the news was stuff about draft dodgers. A lot of guys from my class had their numbers drawn, and guy friends I had that were a year or 2 older got called up too. Don't recall if any of the guys who fled to Canada ever came back to our town.I don't know, but I took the Air Canada billboard to reflect on how many young men fled to Canada instead of enlisting in the war, and since I remember it, it must've been the Korean war, or a later conflict, because I was born in the middle of WWII, so wouldn't remember that.
Yes, I hadn't remembered it specifically being Vietnam, and I was only 8 or 9 during the Korean war, and I only recalled that because my brother had enlisted, and went overseas for about 3 years. The Vietnam conflict lasted 20 years, 1955-1975. I started Junior High (or what they now called Secondary School) at the beginning, and was out of college and working for 11 years by the time it ended.Vietnam. It was on the news every night. I was in my senior year of high school and the guys were required to register with the draft and take part in the lottery. All we saw on the news was stuff about draft dodgers. A lot of guys from my class had their numbers drawn, and guy friends I had that were a year or 2 older got called up too. Don't recall if any of the guys who fled to Canada ever came back to our town.