Dances with Bees
I shop online ... for everything.
While it definitely makes shopping for groceries much faster and easy to see what I'm spending with each item added to the cart ... shopping on amazon can take a lot more time than I'd spend in a store. Though, I end up not buying a lot of things I probably would have bought in a store because I check the reviews before buying anything. On some things, I'll even check several other review sources. I don't spend money lightly
Heck ... I even check reviews on the free books listed in bookbub. No way do I want to waste time on a book with poor writing or editing. And if it doesn't have an ending, I don't bother with it. And ... it irritates me beyond measure when an author "hides" that it's really a "romance" (aka erotica) book when it's listed as a fantasy or historical or mystery ... well then, that's the last I read from that author.
Mind you, I don't mind relationships in books. Just not the ones that add in pages upon pages of explicit sex which if removed ... changes the story not a bit.
I totally agree with you. They do that in movies too. In a lot of movies I have watched in the last few years, if you take out the explicit sex scene, there is no impact on the plot. Books, the same thing. I don't like reading that stuff nor watching it. If I want to see that, I can always go online and find a porn movie. I stay away from that stuff because it's a known factor that most of your really bad viruses are attached to those sites.
Bottom line, if you can tell the story and leave that stuff out, why put it in there?