What some creators do, is run the cloth sim, and then either put that result into an item as a morph (no idea how that's done, sorry), or they take the cloth sim and then rig the results of the sim... I suspect most of these types of creators probably do the first.
That's a workaround to bringing a dynamic "look" into DS without the actual dynamics, but it does mean we are limited to whatever poses the sim was run in (usually provided with the item) in the case of the morph solution.
If you look at Ghastly's items on ShareCG, though, I think what he does is the second... runs one cloth sim, and then takes the result of the sim he's happy with, and rigs it. His clothing looks very much like dynamics, but is actually conformers and we are not limited by having to use a matching pose.
Again... as I said in the last post. It's your item. If you distribute it as dynamic, I might take a stab at running a cloth sim on it and then seeing if I can rig it in DS, just for my own use... LOL. I do really like the look of it.
If you rig it in Poser, we *should* be able to use it in DS. I only have trouble autofitting Poser Dawn skirts to DS Dawn... and that I think is because I haven't installed any of her available templates yet.