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I Just Wanted to Post an Image Thread


When Turlough accepted Caoimhe's invitation to spend a few days for at her place in the country he accepted without giving it a great deal of thought. As he was not yet ready to drive the transportation modes of her time it was clear she was going to provide the transport although what that would be he was not sure, something futuristic, at least to him, he imagined but it was certainly not what she arrived in. He was beginning to rethink this offer as it occurred to him this could be the first of many surprises she had in store for him over the next few days. For the moment he was just glad it was early morning and there were few people about, he hated being the centre of attention and he felt just a little self conscious travelling in this manner.

Vic car HW.jpg
It's time to expand the Jazz Instrument collection.
Daryl asked for a Jazz Guitar and I haven't made a guitar in a long time.
So here it is for starters.
Daryl is lovin' it. Even without the strings.
Notice how ballooned his shoulders are.
They're like that when he's extra happy.

Jazz Guitar Dev03.jpg


If Turlough had been surprised by the mode of transport for the drive up it was nothing in comparison to what he was feeling after the latest revelation. He had imagined an apartment maybe even a villa, all very modern and therefore futuristic for someone from his time, something small and easy managed. Caoimhe's 'pad' was none of these things. His first shock on his first glimpse of the place was the sheer size and imposing nature of the building. Until know he had not left the city and had never imagined this planet had any history, he was having to rethink all of that very quickly.

As they entered Turlough realised that, inside, it was every bit as massive as the exterior suggested and he looked up at the staircases reaching up to what seemed an endless number of levels. He made a mental to stay close to Caoimhe while he was here fearing he could be lost for weeks with too much trouble.

Caoimhe on the other hand held her breath waiting for Turlough to take it all in and give some sort of reaction. She knew it was real shock to him but it was important to her, she wanted him to fall in love with the place the same way she had when she had stepped through the massive doors for the first time.

Wintertower 3 HW.jpg

Location - Winterblack Tower by Jack Tomalin
Outfit - Cute N Sassy For Dawn by Glitterati3D (new in store) (I have played with the textures to keep with the story)


Very nice. I like the textures!

Thanks, I love the outfit but I think Caoimhe's cheering leaders days are long past. Not that it is a cheerleaders outfit but could be, more to the point with the shirt, sleeves, skirt, panties and stockings it is begging to be used in some kit bashing. I am certainly going to make full use of it.


nice to see madonna let her borrow a dress, is it true they use a pencil sharpener on them ? great expression on the fella

The base character is like that but the extent that it shows varies very much on the dress and the materials used. I think in this case the material accentuates the effects and normally I would 'dial it down' on occasions like this. I think I was playing so much with the textures I just plainly forgot this time around.


I wanted to wish a Happy Halloween to the HW community, but I did not know where. I think here should be ok...

Some legends say that the creatures known as "vampires" can control the mind of animals like rats, wolves, bats.
After seeing the picture of this flying choreography, I think the legends tell the truth.

(Rendered in Carrara 8.5 Pro)

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
OMG! I didn't even notice the Happy Halloween when I first saw this render a couple of hours ago. I thought it was just a cluster of bats. Just goes to show how observant I am at times. ~sheesh~


The base character is like that but the extent that it shows varies very much on the dress and the materials used. I think in this case the material accentuates the effects and normally I would 'dial it down' on occasions like this. I think I was playing so much with the textures I just plainly forgot this time around.
If I don't screw up or flat forget to tweet a texture or two in every render, why then I am just playing around. I am not picking on you, but just picking a little fun with you.. your render made a fine statement and I don't wish to take anything away from your hard work. Developing "the eye" takes training and lots of practice...and a kind friend to point out the little blind spots with a bit of good humor!


If I don't screw up or flat forget to tweet a texture or two in every render, why then I am just playing around. I am not picking on you, but just picking a little fun with you.. your render made a fine statement and I don't wish to take anything away from your hard work. Developing "the eye" takes training and lots of practice...and a kind friend to point out the little blind spots with a bit of good humor!

No offence taken and I am always pleased when someone comments on any of my renders whether positive or negative. It was nice of you to highlight the point :). I am not sure why I morphed the base figure in this manner but there was a reason at the time but with time and age I just can't remember why. It is not normally an issue but I do have to adjust the odd render, in this case I clean forgot, I think this was partly because I was trying to make a decent attempt of showing Glitterati3D's great new outfit in a good light. It was an error and I was happy you pointed it out particularly as it shows that the error was on my part and not a issue with the outfit. I am not sure if I will just change the small issue or just change the scene to something very much colder ........only kidding.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
I never even noticed ... the point (s). I had to look at the render several times before I realized what you two were likely talking about!


I never even noticed ... the point (s). I had to look at the render several times before I realized what you two were likely talking about!

Yes it is probably not too obvious but I am aware of the problem with my character so I knew straight off what was being referred to. It is extreme in this case and it also looks wrong if the outfit is a sci-fi type and the breastplate is meant the be stiff in nature or a similar in nature such as some form of armour. When I created the character I do remember adjusting the morph in this region so in that sense it is not a mistake. It was a few years ago now and I cannot remember the reasons behind it but I do have vague memories of having problems with draping clothes that were meant to look thin such as blouses while maintaining shape with other thick looking clothes as such as jumpers. It could be that reason or it could be something very different, what is pretty certain is it will have been a compromise tweak as my character has a lot of these. The reason for this is I was aiming to use the character in a number of renders, hopefully to tell a story and I wanted a figure that would look good in so many different situations and outfits. Coupled with that aim was the drive to create something that was unique and certainly not the norm for a Poser character, hence the slightly older age, slightly fuller figure and a distinct lack of height for your usual heroine.

None of that is any sort of justification just some history behind the comments. I think the point here is that, had I have noticed it before I would have changed it so in that sense it is an error and I have corrected the scene. I have not uploaded a change here for two reasons, one because it is too small a change to warrant a second upload and if I change the original none of this part of the conversation will make sense.

I feel I must end by saying that I did truly welcome the comment as I do any comment positive or negative. Part of that is ego as I take the fact someone has seen my render and was moved enough to comment please me but I also think it gives me a chance to improve my art. Happily I have found a number of people here at Hivewire who know how to comment in a pleasant and respectful manner something I value very much.


The visit to the country had changed Turlough more than she could have expected, he had relaxed and begun to open up. Tonight he was so very different, as he gazed into the fire his mind seemed to drift and any lasting reservations he may have had seemed to melt in the heat of the flames. He talked of his own land, his own times and how he had coped with the impact being wrenched into her world. The word coped was not really true, on the surface maybe, but now she felt she could almost reach out and touch the confusion, pain and most of all the loneliness he felt and had hidden for so long Caoimhe wanted to reach out and hold him but she feared that would interrupt his thoughts, instead she drew herself up as if hugging herself, as she did so she shivered, despite the heat of the fire. She wanted to hear more but it hurt so much to listen.

Fireside HW.jpg


The visit to the country had changed Turlough more than she could have expected, he had relaxed and begun to open up. Tonight he was so very different, as he gazed into the fire his mind seemed to drift and any lasting reservations he may have had seemed to melt in the heat of the flames. He talked of his own land, his own times and how he had coped with the impact being wrenched into her world. The word coped was not really true, on the surface maybe, but now she felt she could almost reach out and touch the confusion, pain and most of all the loneliness he felt and had hidden for so long Caoimhe wanted to reach out and hold him but she feared that would interrupt his thoughts, instead she drew herself up as if hugging herself, as she did so she shivered, despite the heat of the fire. She wanted to hear more but it hurt so much to listen.

View attachment 31927
nice lighting!