Don't worry too much about the ReadMe. To be honest, I redo most of the ReadMes anyway. I create the file list just before I pack since things often change, even a bit, during the QAV process, and I have a specific way I want them to look.
The most important part of the ReadMe is the Important Information section. I redo much of this as well, putting things from the product page after I create it. What I want to see from the CA is any information they want their customers to have: Tips & suggestions, special instructions, resourses used, etc.
Bank account's gonna get another hammering
Oh don't be sorry. I'm happy to spend the money on something worth having like this package you've put together.Sorry!! LOL
Good news, though.. I'm back home finally. Ugh, I hate shopping. Whoever said "girls like to shop" never met me!!!
Getting back to work on that last pose now.
Oh totally agree...Oh don't be sorry. I'm happy to spend the money on something worth having like this package you've put together.
Okay, so I should *not* do my usual habit of listing out all the files like I normally do? Or would it help you if I still listed them, and you could just make edits to the file listing as you need to?
Alisa, one other question. I normally do list the product requirements (if any) with links in my readme. I know the store will do that on the item page... but should I still do so in the readme, or leave that out?
We don't put links, just the name of the product and the store where it's from. I do link to products on the product pages.
Again, I'll add the required products if you don't
If you have everything done the way the other products are, I have a bit less to do,