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The Anchorage, Part 3


There are ramps Satira, up and down either side of the wall in both directions. You can see the railings in the first photo. The problem is not just with wheelchair bound citizens but also the less ambulatory walkers who now have to negotiate the road, with the assistance of careworkers, before they tackle the Hump (and, of late, local skateboarders whose appreciation of other people amounts to, “how dare these old farts get in my way when I’m having fun dude?” The seaward area is a bulge in the seawall which used to contain benches where they, and others, could sit and rest whilst taking in the view (It’s a noted beauty spot). The local councils response is that they can stand at the top of the Hump for a better view (skateboarders notwithstanding) although they did add that they are currently in consultation as to the preferred design of benches which will be added ‘in the future’! I sometimes think that a degree of thought and consideration would benefit our so-called leaders in addition to ‘civic pride’!


In a lot of ways we’re lucky to live on a sheltered, shallow west-facing bay Terre! As you say Ireland does provide us with a lot of shelter in addition to channelling the Gulf Stream which helps keep temperatures a little bit milder together with the mountains of the Lake District to the north.

I think the main danger spot in this part of the world is Liverpool Bay which can be prone to some absolutely horrendous storms. It’s not unusual to see ships standing offshore waiting out the weather rather than attempt entering the Mersey Channel. Mind you, Blackpool can have its moments and it’s not all that long ago that a cargo vessel ended up on the beach and had to be demolished on site!

Thanks quietrob. Interestingly if we want news in the UK the best source is the US. You’d be amazed how much I’ve gleaned from my sources over there because of back door censorship (usually from the much-discredited BBC! The English equivalent of CNN!). Sad to say, the UK is infested by the same left-wing Liberal attitudes which cause such problems in the US. Happily there are signs of a change in attitude from the public. Witness the results of the recent general election which has left many politicians of all parties reeling and close to panic. Napoleon once describe Britain as ‘a little nation of shopkeepers’. Yes we are, but don’t forget that those ‘shopkeepers’ are descendants of the Celts, Gauls, Scotti, Saxons, Vikings, Romans and Normans. All warlike races with a very strong presence in our national character. We are quite happy to tolerate, integrate and negotiate to reach an accommodation. Until we reach a stage where we realize that the more lunatic elements of our enemies have no intention of peaceful settlement. At which point we tend to reduce them to little more than a bloody smear on the landscape!


Perhaps that's where I get my temper!
Having had two generations of professional genealogists in my family (my dad and his mother and one of her brothers) I'm fairly certain that what they found is as accurate as old records can make it. Most likely I'm 1/64th Native American (probably Cherokee) and 63/64ths mixed Western/Northern European. Mostly from all over the British Isles (including Ireland, Northern Ireland, Wales, Highland and Lowland Scots, and the Isle of Man) with the majority of that being English. Throw in a dash of German on my maternal grandmother's side.


Perhaps that's where I get my temper!
Having had two generations of professional genealogists in my family (my dad and his mother and one of her brothers) I'm fairly certain that what they found is as accurate as old records can make it. Most likely I'm 1/64th Native American (probably Cherokee) and 63/64ths mixed Western/Northern European. Mostly from all over the British Isles (including Ireland, Northern Ireland, Wales, Highland and Lowland Scots, and the Isle of Man) with the majority of that being English. Throw in a dash of German on my maternal grandmother's side.
Never to cast doubt on professional genealogists, but have you considered just having your DNA checked? My son did it and by the time they were done, they had matched his DNA with my sister who also had her DNA checked indicating they were related than managed to get it down to a group of slaves that came from a small town in Virginia. Pretty accurate considering that with me being the sole exceptions, everyone from my Generation on up is from a small town in Virginia called Danville. (I was born on a military base in France, the story of my not having a passport as a baby and trying to enter the USA is a family story of legend)

Dad should be done with dinner. Time for his youngest whelp to give him a call. How lucky am I?


Perhaps that's where I get my temper!
Having had two generations of professional genealogists in my family (my dad and his mother and one of her brothers) I'm fairly certain that what they found is as accurate as old records can make it. Most likely I'm 1/64th Native American (probably Cherokee) and 63/64ths mixed Western/Northern European. Mostly from all over the British Isles (including Ireland, Northern Ireland, Wales, Highland and Lowland Scots, and the Isle of Man) with the majority of that being English. Throw in a dash of German on my maternal grandmother's side.

Yeah Terre! :applause:You can't keep a good Celt down! My own mix is 50/50 Saxon (father)/Celt (mother). :)


There are ramps Satira, up and down either side of the wall in both directions. You can see the railings in the first photo. The problem is not just with wheelchair bound citizens but also the less ambulatory walkers who now have to negotiate the road, with the assistance of careworkers, before they tackle the Hump (and, of late, local skateboarders whose appreciation of other people amounts to, “how dare these old farts get in my way when I’m having fun dude?” The seaward area is a bulge in the seawall which used to contain benches where they, and others, could sit and rest whilst taking in the view (It’s a noted beauty spot). The local councils response is that they can stand at the top of the Hump for a better view (skateboarders notwithstanding) although they did add that they are currently in consultation as to the preferred design of benches which will be added ‘in the future’! I sometimes think that a degree of thought and consideration would benefit our so-called leaders in addition to ‘civic pride’!

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In a lot of ways we’re lucky to live on a sheltered, shallow west-facing bay Terre! As you say Ireland does provide us with a lot of shelter in addition to channelling the Gulf Stream which helps keep temperatures a little bit milder together with the mountains of the Lake District to the north.

I think the main danger spot in this part of the world is Liverpool Bay which can be prone to some absolutely horrendous storms. It’s not unusual to see ships standing offshore waiting out the weather rather than attempt entering the Mersey Channel. Mind you, Blackpool can have its moments and it’s not all that long ago that a cargo vessel ended up on the beach and had to be demolished on site!

Thanks quietrob. Interestingly if we want news in the UK the best source is the US. You’d be amazed how much I’ve gleaned from my sources over there because of back door censorship (usually from the much-discredited BBC! The English equivalent of CNN!). Sad to say, the UK is infested by the same left-wing Liberal attitudes which cause such problems in the US. Happily there are signs of a change in attitude from the public. Witness the results of the recent general election which has left many politicians of all parties reeling and close to panic. Napoleon once describe Britain as ‘a little nation of shopkeepers’. Yes we are, but don’t forget that those ‘shopkeepers’ are descendants of the Celts, Gauls, Scotti, Saxons, Vikings, Romans and Normans. All warlike races with a very strong presence in our national character. We are quite happy to tolerate, integrate and negotiate to reach an accommodation. Until we reach a stage where we realize that the more lunatic elements of our enemies have no intention of peaceful settlement. At which point we tend to reduce them to little more than a bloody smear on the landscape!

It must've ticked Napolean off to be defeated by a little nation of shopkeepers. Last time I looked the only time Britain has been defeated in a war was by a pack of traitors to the crown that became us. The Creator of the Skateboard and the word "Dude".


I hope Father's Day is going well for both of you. :)
You are too kind. While I haven't heard from my own scion yet, it pleases me to know that he's getting along with his new girlfriend (and fiancee) that hopefully will produce heirs. I want that immortality! I'm sure he'll call later tonight. True happiness is your son calling you to discuss the latest events in sports and his own wedding. It makes all those trips to the amusement parks and his glee at beating me in basketball worth it.

When I was a lad of 11 or so, the other boys wouldn't throw me a pass as we played Football (Not soccer. Football), the reason being I would always drop the ball. Disheartened, I told my father who was always busy and always working. But the next day was a saturday with nothing planned. He took me out to the park and tossed me the football from what seemed dawn to dusk. The next my group of pals from the sandlot played football, I was making one handed catches like Odell Beckham Junior. It seemed my hands were composed of glue. Another preteen problem solved by my wonderful Dad!

It saddens me a bit that he doesn't remember it but one I thing I know decades later, is that I never forgot it.

Hmm, another Dad story is that my mom decided she was underappreciated and went on strike. She wouldn't cook for us anymore which is a shame because Mom was (is) a wonderful cook. So much that my friends preferred her cooking to their own moms. Enter Dad who decided to take on Mom who was considered unbeatable by her kids. For a week he created full menu's of at least three course meals with appetizers. Yes appetizers that included him serving us (and Mom) wearing a vest as if he were a waiter. Mom gave in soon after and we made sure to let her know how much we appreciated her being back on the job, which we did.

Just another story that added to the legend of my favorite father. Sorry y'all.


Yeah Terre! :applause:You can't keep a good Celt down! My own mix is 50/50 Saxon (father)/Celt (mother). :)
Well, with the exception of one couple that came here in the late 19th century all of my ancestors were on this continent before 1776 so, like most Americans who aren't reservation born or Amish etc. , I'm of very mixed ancestry.

@quietrob : I haven't thought of getting tested. You have made me wonder if a HS friend ever has though. She told me that although her family all were Caucasian in skin tone part of her ancestry was freed slaves who married Indians. It would be cool if that family legend were discovered to be true. :)

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Those look like really steep ramps! I bet the skateboarders love the ramps though.

Not only do they need a degree of thought, but they also need to suffer from intense back pain to where they would discover standing on the top of the hump to admire the view for more than a couple minutes is rather like having one's teeth pulled without novocaine.


Contributing Artist
The most I know of my background is mum's mum was a cockney who came to Aus by herself when she was 13 to become a maid. And her dad was Irish. My maiden name is Willis so good chance that dads side (besides being Aussie) came from the UK somewhere :p

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Ain't that the truth Terre, though I have no British background, that's for certain.


Hey guys, sorry for disappearing, been in a deep hole but I'm climbing out. Should see the sun in a few days and I'll be back to annoy you all xxx

Oooh... I know that feeling.
I hate falling down deep holes.
Especially when they are filled with angry cobras or honey badgers.
The good thing about the cobra filled holes is you can make a rope out them by tying the corpses together.
Take care!
Never to cast doubt on professional genealogists, but have you considered just having your DNA checked? My son did it and by the time they were done, they had matched his DNA with my sister who also had her DNA checked indicating they were related than managed to get it down to a group of slaves that came from a small town in Virginia. Pretty accurate considering that with me being the sole exceptions, everyone from my Generation on up is from a small town in Virginia called Danville.

I have genealogical records for my family extending back to Sir Henry Cromwell (Golden Knight) and Joan Warren (daughter of Ralph Warren Lord Mayor of London 1536). There are four large volumes which include historical events as well as family charts.
The ancestry most interesting to me are the families of Beale, Hunt, Kenworthy and Williams. All Quakers. At the time of interest these families were living in and around Fall Creek Indiana and there was then a philosophy known as 'Manifest Destiny' which propounded the mass slaughter of the natives and destruction of their food resources. Mainly Buffalo. The Quakers were horrified by this idea and determined to do what they could to counteract that evil. They were horticulturalists and dietary specialists who developed techniques of preserving fruits and vegetables.
Using their collective wealth and resources they established production of specially adapted crops of Apples, Pears, Apricots, Almonds, Walnuts, Grapes and Flax in the area. And they outfitted and supplied ships to carry seed and tools around the American Continent to the West Coast where they established production in the areas that are now Willamette Valley and Huntsville Washington.
They supplied the natives with food and clothing and taught agriculture. The result of these actions was the attainment of even greater wealth and the acquisition of lands in Oregon and Washington, and of course, the survival of the natives.


Contributing Artist
Glad to hear that your climbing out Lorraine. Those holes are no fun at all...
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