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WIP WIP Asian-African Elephant project


HW3D President
Staff member
Work on our African Elephant baby morph.

More to go, but coming along.


Ivory Elephant

More elephant facts: Aside from other primates, elephants are the only other know species of animals that have mammary glands in the shape of breast on their chest proper. Most other herbivores of the quadrupedal nature have mammary glands between there hind legs. Unlike predator species that have multiple mammary glands and higher birth rates / multiple births, elephants only have 2 mammary glands and their gestation pried is up to 22 months with a single birth. Multiple births for an elephant are very rare more often then not, only one of the calves survive. Like in humans elephants also have a rage in breast sizes and shapes. The size of the breast depends on overall health of the elephant, if they have had calves before and if there is more than one lactating cow in the herd at the time. One other crazy fact about elephant breasts is elephant, like humans can suffer from a form of macromastia or unusually large breasts. There has been only 3 documented cases of this found in the wild.



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Ivory Elephant

More elephant facts: Albino elephant are like in all other animal species extremely rare. There are approximately 30 known albino elephants in southeast Asia and only 1 known in south Africa. Unlike the African elephants the Asian elephants seem to not reject the calves that are albino. In the countries of Myanmar and Burma there has been documented small herds of albino elephants found in those countries. They are highly protected by the county's government. Both for conservation and religious reasons. The ill treatment and or poaching of these elephant result in the death by government law. There are 2 types of albinos in elephants. There is the "pink" elephant which is an elephant that is missing about 75% of its natural pigment and then there is the true white elephant that is missing 100% of its natural pigment. One other cool fact about the albino elephant is in the Asian albino elephants you can still se the different pigmentation in their skin patterns.


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Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
The male elephants do not have their testicles outside their bodies but inside only , what is very unusual for land mammals , they belongs to the group of afrotheria mammals like dolphins and other , there was found a genetic code that got broke on the way in evolution that was responsible for that but how they stay sterile is still a big mystery . However having them outside will make them definitely sterile very quickly due to high temperatures on the surface of their body . Aquatic mammals living in cold waters have it for a simple reason , there is question why it affected elephants and what is a really reason for that to happen early in evolution , like for example extreme cold? or heat? .. nobody surely knows yet .. For that reason it is very hard to spot if elephant is male or female unless you check it underbelly , especially with African Bush and forest elephants as both male and female have tusks .


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Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
Elephant's Tusks are so sensitive , if it get broken , or cut off in the wrong spot and the nerve and pulp get exposed, the elephant will die from enormous pain .


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Ivory Elephant

Pigment patterens that are common in Sri Lankan and southeast Asian elephnat


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Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
And those poachers probably know this. Makes me so mad and very very sad! :cry: :mad: :cry: :mad: :cry:
Yes Richard , that why they poison them mostly with an arrow and cyanide , waiting for them to die , very sad ...plus African elephants both female and male have tusks so at the edge of extinction for all the wrong reasons.


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
Can we have an oliphant?
It depends on what you mean by that .. If you mean a hunter's horn made from an elephant tusk then definitely not .
But if you mean an "Indian Hindu" elephant it is already modeled .
There is also a sea Oliphant ..
can you be more specific ? lol

Ivory Elephant

The oliphant from LOTR is similar to one of the prehistoric elephants but on a MASSIVE scale. It has 4 tusks and 2 small bone protrusions above the main set of tusks.


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Dakorillon (IMArts)

Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Yes, there is that kind, and another prehistoric kind with a shorter trunk if I remember, and the tusks on the bottom, almost like scoopers.