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Where to put data folder?


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
So I've been working on something and showed it to someone and they said I had the data folder in the wrong place. They said it goes in the same folder as the runtime. I did this but now it's showing up in the library.

Help please.


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Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Hey Janet, I just checked the zip of one of my old DS products, and the Data folder is not "in" the Runtime folder, it's on the same "level" as the Runtime folder. In this particular case it's as follows:


Hope that helps.


This looks like you have the data folder as a content folder in the Content Directory Manager ... which is unnecessary.


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Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Hmm I found the Content Directory Manager. What do I change there?


Contributing Artist
The Content directory should have the folder that contains the data folder, not the data folder itself.


I don't mess with folder structures. The Data folder is directly under the Content folder, or more recently, directly under the DAZ3D Library folder.

Data Folder in DS.jpg



Unfortunately, some content creators put things all over the place, rather than following the standards. Like a Content folder under the Content (or DAZ3S Library) folder. Or they use non-standard names for folders, so we end up with things like Camera, Camera Presets, Cameras; Character (the proper one), Characters. It makes me crazy sometimes.


Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
That's why I always manually install products, no matter which software it's for. I prefer to know exactly where everything is, and as you mentioned, I don't like separate folders for Character and Characters, etc., though Poser content creators don't usually do that, but still, I sometimes find odd named folders I've not seen before.


Contributing Artist
Yes, "Pose" and "Poses" is what drives me crazy.

Just as a quick reference, the top most folder is a Content folder, but it can be named absolutely anything, eg, My Library, Content, 3d stuff, George, etc. That is the folder that needs to be in the Daz Studio content directory. Within that folder will be the data folder, runtime, people, poses, etc.