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What are your go to favorites


I have a few items, whether it be figures or props, that appear time and again in my renders. Those that know my renders already know this but they tend to contain the same couple of characters based on Dawn SE and M4 and are normally relate to sci fi. Dawn SE is almost always there and with very few exceptions the outfits used are CKV-01 by Ken 1171 designs and Volpe_Box and Borghild - Cyber Sci-fi for Dawn.by Hunter3D. The reason for their continued use is fairly clear if you know the outfits both are of high quality and come with a range of options and textures that lend themselves to being used in so many different scenes.

While I thought about this the other day I wondered what others find sneaks into renders on a regular basis.


Lost Mad Soul
Contributing Artist
Terradome 1 and 2 get a lot of use by me. Microcosm sees heavy use too... sometimes in odd ways. And of course the various FCVS and GVCS and related lines of products that I use to kitbash everything from starships and vehicles to weapons an interiors.


Terradome 1 and 2 get a lot of use by me. Microcosm sees heavy use too... sometimes in odd ways. And of course the various FCVS and GVCS and related lines of products that I use to kitbash everything from starships and vehicles to weapons an interiors.

I have Terradome 1 and 2, purchased after I could not justify the monthly subscription to Vue but I really haven't used them that much, I must have a serious play as soon as I find the time.


One Busy Little Bee
Contributing Artist
The nice thing about Terradome 2, at least with the stuff I have, no real need for a lot of fixes to get it to work well in SF.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I haven't used them in quite a while, but have both Terradome 1 and 2, as well as Microcosm. I just never got all the add-on bundles for them.


I have a few items, whether it be figures or props, that appear time and again in my renders. Those that know my renders already know this but they tend to contain the same couple of characters based on Dawn SE and M4 and are normally relate to sci fi. Dawn SE is almost always there and with very few exceptions the outfits used are CKV-01 by Ken 1171 designs and Volpe_Box and Borghild - Cyber Sci-fi for Dawn.by Hunter3D. The reason for their continued use is fairly clear if you know the outfits both are of high quality and come with a range of options and textures that lend themselves to being used in so many different scenes.

While I thought about this the other day I wondered what others find sneaks into renders on a regular basis.
Without exception, Bagginbill's Environment Dome is in all of my renders; it's part of my default scene setup saved to Poser. My most commonly used figures are M4 and Harry.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Without exception, Bagginbill's Environment Dome is in all of my renders; it's part of my default scene setup saved to Poser. My most commonly used figures are M4 and Harry.
I agree, and especially after SnarlyGribbly came out with his EZDome setup. I don't necessarily use it while beta testing, but with artistic renders, absolutely.

English Bob

Without exception, Bagginbill's Environment Dome is in all of my renders; it's part of my default scene setup saved to Poser.
Mine too, along with a disc-shaped floor prop I made. For a simple render, all I need is to add an HDRI image to the dome (and a figure, of course!!) and the job's a good'un.

I don't think I ever properly released the Floor Disc, although I know I've given a copy to a few folks. Anyway, if you want one, it can be downloaded here: Floor Disc for Poser - there's a bit more information at the link.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I tried downloading it to try it out, but when I clicked on the large ZIP link at the top, and the Download link at the top right, they both took me to "The page you want to visit doesn't exist", so you should probably check that it's working properly.


I tried downloading it to try it out, but when I clicked on the large ZIP link at the top, and the Download link at the top right, they both took me to "The page you want to visit doesn't exist", so you should probably check that it's working properly.

I had the same result.

English Bob

All right, it seems that you have to be logged in to be able to download, so if you don't have a Deviant Art account the link won't work. I must put some effort into arranging my downloads a little better, meantime here's a mirror: floor_disc.zip

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I'm having an issue with this new link as well, and it's not Google Drive, as I've been able to download from there before. I'm just getting a blank white page.


I'm having an issue with this new link as well, and it's not Google Drive, as I've been able to download from there before. I'm just getting a blank white page.
At the top right of that page, there is a download "button"...an arrow pointing down. Click on that.


English Bob

I plainly need more sleep. :confused: I forgot you can attach small files in the forum, and this is a small file...


  • floor_disc.zip
    60.4 KB · Views: 297


I plainly need more sleep. :confused: I forgot you can attach small files in the forum, and this is a small file...

Thank you for the floor, I will give it a try as soon as i am back in Poser. I often use Flipmode scenes as you have the option of using just the sky dome or adding a scene which give you something to place figures and props on.