• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

Show Us Your HiveWire Big Cat Renders Here!

My first render with the Hivewire Big Cat Tiger but it will be far from the last as it is so beautiful and easy to use! I title this artwork as "The Perfect Shot"; As the beautiful feline approaches the water, the daring photographer zooms in for the perfect shot from the shadows. Rendered completely in Poser 11 Superfly. Foreground character textures and her hair shaders are by me (wasn't sure if it's okay to mention them since they're on another site). Let me know what you think of my first Tiger artwork! :D Thank you for letting me share it here!



My first render with the Hivewire Big Cat Tiger but it will be far from the last as it is so beautiful and easy to use! I title this artwork as "The Perfect Shot"; As the beautiful feline approaches the water, the daring photographer zooms in for the perfect shot from the shadows. Rendered completely in Poser 11 Superfly. Foreground character textures and her hair shaders are by me (wasn't sure if it's okay to mention them since they're on another site). Let me know what you think of my first Tiger artwork! :D Thank you for letting me share it here!

View attachment 64506
"The Perfect Shot" is a perfect title! :D


I don't do well without a computer & mine went to the shop on Monday! Just got it back last night. So far it is working, but it has a loaner video card for now. At least I have some finished art that I can post, while I wait for my video card to be shipped.


HiveWire Tiger by ChristopherCreek Art, CGCubed & CWRW at HiveWire3D
CWRW White Tigers for the HiveWire Tiger by CWRW at HiveWire3D

SBRM Peacock: Variants (Leucistic Peacock) by Ken Gilliland at HiveWire3D

HiveWire Big Dog by ChristopherCreek Art & CGCubed at HiveWire3D
Fox Morph by Sparky at PhilosophersEgg

Wisteria by Lisa's Botanicals at HiveWire 3D

Flinks Tree by Flink at Renderosity
Twisted Tree by Bijan_Studio at Renderosity
3D Scenery: Upturned Winter Boats by ShaaraMuse3D at Renderosity
3D Scenery: Frozen Lake by ShaaraMuse3D at Renderosity
3D Scenery: Frozen Natural Riverbank by ShaaraMuse3D and HWW0 at Renderosity
Fantasy Mystic by vanda51 - Vanda Mata at Renderosity
Public Domain Picture from pxhere

Last of the Fall Leaves
Last of the Fall Leaves.jpg


My computer still isn't working right. :mad: I can't do art. :( Luckily I had this picture done before the problems started.


HiveWire Tiger by ChristopherCreek Art, CGCubed & CWRW at HiveWire3D

SBRM Shorebirds Vol 4 - More Wading Birds (Chinese Egret) by Ken Gilliland at HiveWire3D
Nature's Wonder Moths of the World Vol. 1 (Small Elephant Hawk) by Ken Gilliland at HiveWire3D

3D Scenery-Ancient Cliffs by ShaaraMuse3D and HWW0 at Renderosity
Nature - Trees Pack 2 (Huangshan Mountain Pine) by Andrey Pestryakov at DAZ
3D Stages-Overgrown Gate by ShaaraMuse3D at Renderosity
The Nursery-Chrysanthemun by Tiago Fidalgo (DesignFera) at Renderosity
Modular 3D Kits-Nordic Forest Kit by ShaaraMuse3D at Renderosity
Legends of Fantasy by Susan Justice (formerly McKivergan) at Renderosity
Japanese Tea Garden by Merlin Studios at DAZ
Public Domain Photo from GoodFreePhotos

King of His Domain
King of His Domain.jpg

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Sorry to hear about your computer problems Flint. Here's hoping you get it fixed sooner, rather than later. I would hate not seeing any new art from you regularly.


Contributing Artist
My computer still isn't working right. :mad: I can't do art. :( Luckily I had this picture done before the problems started.


HiveWire Tiger by ChristopherCreek Art, CGCubed & CWRW at HiveWire3D

SBRM Shorebirds Vol 4 - More Wading Birds (Chinese Egret) by Ken Gilliland at HiveWire3D
Nature's Wonder Moths of the World Vol. 1 (Small Elephant Hawk) by Ken Gilliland at HiveWire3D

3D Scenery-Ancient Cliffs by ShaaraMuse3D and HWW0 at Renderosity
Nature - Trees Pack 2 (Huangshan Mountain Pine) by Andrey Pestryakov at DAZ
3D Stages-Overgrown Gate by ShaaraMuse3D at Renderosity
The Nursery-Chrysanthemun by Tiago Fidalgo (DesignFera) at Renderosity
Modular 3D Kits-Nordic Forest Kit by ShaaraMuse3D at Renderosity
Legends of Fantasy by Susan Justice (formerly McKivergan) at Renderosity
Japanese Tea Garden by Merlin Studios at DAZ
Public Domain Photo from GoodFreePhotos

King of His Domain
View attachment 64637

Sorry to hear about your computer problems I had similar occurance recently which is why I haven't been posting much. Gorgeous Tiger pic :)



HW3D President
Staff member
Wow, just wow. Such amazing talent on display in this thread. You all make this HW Tiger look it's best.

Great stuff everyone. So, so fun to see. I'm impressed!!!

Doc Acme

Here's a White Tiger version. As it turns out, I probably could have just swapped out the maps, but I went through my entire process anyway.

You see, although the assets are all starting out in Daz, I export everything out via FBX in order to import into Lightwave. Why? Well, I've much more control over lighting mainly, but the animation tools for curves adjustment, etc. are just much easier to work with.

There's still a fair amount work particularly for texture translation among other things, sometimes including skeletal re-rigging, but the key thing is I've custom tools that allow weight mapping to the fur elements.

Translation: this allows me to actually animate with fur.

I can only do that using bones as morphs aren't/can't be applied to the fur elements. At least not yet.

But since this is an HW Big Cats thread, I can't help but notice there's a major gap in the cast: A Lion!

This is AM's Felidae which frankly would be hard to improve upon, but just wondering if an HW one might be in the works?


  • White ShiraKahn.jpg
    White ShiraKahn.jpg
    140.6 KB · Views: 296
  • AM's Felidae Lion.jpg
    AM's Felidae Lion.jpg
    123.1 KB · Views: 349

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
But since this is an HW Big Cats thread, I can't help but notice there's a major gap in the cast: A Lion!

This is AM's Felidae which frankly would be hard to improve upon, but just wondering if an HW one might be in the works?
The HW Lion Family has been in the HW store for over 2 years now. I have 2 renders up in my gallery at Renderosity which were uploaded in June and July of 2018, and they most likely were in the store for a month or so before I got to create them.

You can find them here --> HiveWire Lion Family

Dakorillon (IMArts)

Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Here's a White Tiger version. As it turns out, I probably could have just swapped out the maps, but I went through my entire process anyway.

You see, although the assets are all starting out in Daz, I export everything out via FBX in order to import into Lightwave. Why? Well, I've much more control over lighting mainly, but the animation tools for curves adjustment, etc. are just much easier to work with.

There's still a fair amount work particularly for texture translation among other things, sometimes including skeletal re-rigging, but the key thing is I've custom tools that allow weight mapping to the fur elements.

Translation: this allows me to actually animate with fur.

I can only do that using bones as morphs aren't/can't be applied to the fur elements. At least not yet.

But since this is an HW Big Cats thread, I can't help but notice there's a major gap in the cast: A Lion!

This is AM's Felidae which frankly would be hard to improve upon, but just wondering if an HW one might be in the works?
I do have to say that lighting in Lightwave does bring a level of reality to the renders that is just phenomenal. Can't wait to see what you do with the HiveWire Lion, White Lion (And you will be impressed at the improvements over the AM one!), Jaguar, Black Panther and all the cubs!

Doc Acme

The HW Lion Family has been in the HW store for over 2 years now. I have 2 renders up in my gallery at Renderosity which were uploaded in June and July of 2018, and they most likely were in the store for a month or so before I got to create them.

You can find them here --> HiveWire Lion Family

Ah, there they are. Are there LAMH presets for them? Ah found those too & got them in wishlist.

Doc Acme

HW Cougar in WillowCreek

Finally coming back to a project & realized I hadn't finished my conversion process for the Cougar. It was an earlier attempt and what I ran into somewhat common with many figures, not just critters. They're based off a core figure which is then created via a morph.

Within Daz, those figures will often have their rigs morph along as well. There are script tools that will do that, but I haven't found the magic incantation &/or secret sauce to do that as needed. End result is that I can export morphs, but not the base rig itself so have to perform "bone surgery" so to speak. I'm getting semi decent at it now; avoided it as long as I could mostly from "fear of flying" until I got kicked out of the nest & had to learn to work with that fact. Some tool limitations, but t'wern't so bad as it turns out & opened up more options of course.

What I've been wanting to do for some time though is combine some of the amazing landscapes being done with the Ultra Scenery Creator tool with animatable, furred critters. USC is doing some Black Magic, pure & simple. Impossible to export as it's generating items procedurally & using Proxy/Instancing tricks, so no real geometry created, nor imagery to use for weight mapping that can be exported & used elsewhere. Some really clever coding.

But, I was able to do so with the WillowCreek set. Just a measly 1 Gb in geom & maps when all was said & done...

Haven't figured out what P-33 here is reacting to just yet. I could put a squirrel on the stump, 'cept then it would just another cat butt gag. I've enough of those on the 'fridge already.

We'll see.


  • P33 in WillowCreek.jpg
    P33 in WillowCreek.jpg
    483.8 KB · Views: 318


Contributing Artist
What Do Butterflies Taste Like?
What Do Butterflies Taste Like.jpg

Created With: Hivewire Tiger, CWRW's White Tiger Coat Texture, Lisa's Botanicals Faerie Flower II, Heirloom Treasures for Lisa's Botanicals Faerie Flower II, Fern Lake Bundle, Ultimate Butterfly Scatter Little Putty Tat Poses by Pommerlis
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