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Robots in the forum LOL

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I always found it amusing, as I always thought there were only maybe 3 robots related to search sites like Google, Yahoo, and possibly Bing, but I never thought there were 11 of them.

Gadget Girl

Contributing Artist
I think there are also 'spam bots' that search through websites hoping someone has posted their e-mail address so they can add them to lists to spam.

And now I'm trying to picture a spam texture for orbot.


Contributing Artist
Yeah, that's just an image. But I think I remember seeing a prop somewhere but I can't remember where and I don't know for what platform).


Robot looks like beach ball. I can never remember his real name I think it is bb and some number. But yours have enough uniqueness to it to not be beach ball. Where did you find him? Or did you make him?


Contributing Artist
3wComics made Orbit and he's in the HiveWire store (he's a cutie).


The Wicked Witch of the North
I do have a spam prop in my runtime but goodness knows where it came from...being as I am a freebie junkie who hoovers up anything on offer :unsure: