Working on a computer,
Tried hacking an apple one day, My suggestion- use a knife and leave your hatchet home, watch out for the seeds while your add it, swallow too many and you start thinking of goofy things to write.... Come to find out "Muse" is a real person.. had coffee with em just the other day. It is hard to get a chance to meet him face to face for me any more. I hedge my bet with him. I write him a 24 page letter and illustrate it. It was great meeting up with him, he is so creative, hated to see him have to go.....Thing is as he got up to leave he pointed out that next time I wanted to see him I might better write a longer letter with even more illustrations, what a ball buster he is, left me the bill too.. heard he has a sister that is the same way, never met her, after all I'm a married man and she likes to meet in hotel rooms.. Down to my last apple, Think I'd better put the computer away for the night. Have to remember to cover it too. Other wise It it talks in it's