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Remember These???


They did a half hour comedy sketch show on Saturday mornings. It only ran for one year. It was called the Hudson Brothers Razzle Dazzle Show.
Never saw it. I must have been too old by the time that was on. I'll always watch the old Warner Bros. cartoons, they're just funny. But some of these other shows, I can't be bothered.



Never saw it. I must have been too old by the time that was on. I'll always watch the old Warner Bros. cartoons, they're just funny. But some of these other shows, I can't be bothered.

Could be, it 1974-75. Technically, I was too, but I really liked my Saturday mornings! :D


Wow, now we're getting into politics! o_O
Well, we'll put both feet in. I actually met this congressman when I was growing up. His name is Nick Galifinakis. He was a member of the House of Representatives for North Carolina when I took a school trip to Washington one year. I looked him up in Wikipedia. He's 94, but still kicking.


Last month, I watched her (Geena Davis) and Samuel L. Jackson in The Long Kiss Goodnight ('96). I hadn't seen it since its release. It had some great one-liners. One exchange I found interesting was this predictive programming:
Sam Jackson (to government bad guy): "You're telling me that you're gonna fake some terrorist thing, just to scare some money out of Congress?"
Gov't Bad Guy: "Well, unfortunately, Mr. Hennessey, I have no idea how to fake killing 4,000 people - so we're just gonna have to do it for real. Blame it on the Muslims, naturally. Then I get my funding."