From technical POV - how does this problem arise? I.e. how do you make a copy? Recursive copy or fixed depth copy? Or do you use "duplicate" command?
As far as I can tell, the only way to make copies is with the duplicate command. I haven't seen any other way to create or duplicate actors or figures, except for some particular actors (CreateLight, CreateGrouping, etc.). Everything else involves creating geometry, and I honestly don't know how I'd copy rigging without using a command. I _might_ be able to create presets and apply them repeatedly, but that doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
That said, I control the copying with Python so that it goes from the selected item down. So if you have a prop selected, while Edit > Duplicate (blah) won't include its children, this array tool will.
Figures basically copy everything beneath them _and_ conformed to them automatically. The problem is that while Poser's developers thought about adding to a figure by conforming, they obviously assumed that if you wanted to combine a hierarchy, you'd use the rigging tools to create one big, combined figure, not parent one figure to another. Everything is designed such that figures are supposed to have the UNIVERSE as their parent.
Which would sort of make sense if in fact the only reason to rig something was to make some sort of discreet being _and_ people were always working with their chosen figures that they made themselves, with content they make themselves. So sure, if you're Rooster Teeth, and you make a new version of your figure, it's not a big deal to update your hair to work with your new figure or even incorporate the hair in the new figure. If you're an average Poser user, you might want to use the hair figure as a child rather than a conformer so that it works on any figure the way props do but still has moving parts. Even a content creator might want to make wall with a working door and window to be a child of a floor with a working trapdoor, because they expect others to use it, and while they might personally find it easy to delete pieces of a combined figure to get just the wall, it's better allow users to choose whether they want one of the pieces on its own or together.
So instead of everything working in a nice consistent way, figures are a special sort of hierarchy that break rules in a particular way, depending on what developers considered. Child props copy with the main figure, child figures copy with the main figure, conformers copy with the main figure, and prop children of conformers copy with the main figure, but child figures of conformers don't copy with the main figure.
To overcome this without making extra copies, after copying a figure, I'd have to go to the original, look at its conformers, look in each conformer's hierarchy for a child figure, copy it, then go back to the copied main item, find the new copy of the correct conformer, find the actor in that conformer that had the child figure, then change the new child figure's parent to the actor of the new copy of the conformer. Oh, and mind, testing figure children of figures revealed an interesting glitch. Copying pretty much anything else automatically makes the CurrentActor() the new copy of the selected item. Copying a figure with multiple child figures will make the most recently added child figure the new CurrentActor(). That's temporally, not hierarchically. It doesn't matter where it is in the hierarchy (child of a child of a child vs. direct descendant), the last item given a parent in that hierarchy is what's selected. So finding the new copy of the conformer, and then the right actor on the new conformer, that would probably be involved.
It's totally possible, but I still have lots of testing and interface building to do, and maybe even some functionality to add (like adding randomness or changing spacing on existing arrays). That seems like a lot of work for a very uncommon use case. Or at least I'm guessing it's uncommon. I'm open to being told otherwise.
Just to say, by far most of my time to this point has been spent figuring out and accounting for Poser's idiosyncrasies. For instance, what deletes with a figure (yes to magnets, no to conformers, yes to child props, no to child figures, etc.) Just accounting for lights has meant adding code I'm not entirely happy with because it's so specific to current light type numbering, and needs to be in more than one place. I've put off dealing with deformers (magnets and waves) because they're so particular. They copy and delete with other child items, but they're not valid as primary/selected actors in this first version.