So where did you order from? IOW, is it a specific brand, or did you hire someone to build it for you?
@Hornet3d Thanks, guess I have just been feeling a bit in every ones way/a bit of a disappointment lately so have been apologizing by default first.
Yeah I thought it might be a bit like that but good to get input from folks who know more than I do
Ahhh, that sounds like NewEgg here in the U.S., which is where I would go for that sort of setup.Here in the UK there is a computer component supplier call Scan that I have used to purchase all the parts on my last two builds. They also build computers, either as Scan or also under the name of 3XS systems which will build a fully custom computer if you wish.
Ahhh, that sounds like NewEgg here in the U.S., which is where I would go for that sort of setup.
I'm not sure, as I don't know that company at all, but I suspect the email/receipt you got initially was automatically generated. I can't imagine someone actually typing that all out every time someone orders something online. I've noticed a few companies here will say it will take 5-7 days to receive it, and then I get it in 3 or 4, and I think they're just being careful, especially if there's a weekend or holiday in that time span.
As far as something turning out to be out of stock, that's something their site should state, so someone wasn't updating the information on the product page, and for that I would definitely put full blame on them.