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Not sure if........wet textures for M4

carmen indorato

Not sure if right place for this but Posts at Renderosity about this have gone completely ignore.
Looking for a good wet skin texture for M4( I know he is not really supported here but desperate people do stupid things and stupid people do desperate things) but because I know there are several Poser old timers here thought it might be a good source for possible assistance.
SO please don’t eSPANK For me for asking here, ok! LOL
A skin similar to the wet skins out there for V4. Need a couple together for a series of images for a story I was asked to illustrate.
Any direction you can send me to find one would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.


Dances with Bees
Carmen, you might also want to post at the SM Poser forum. A lot of those folks still use V4 and have played a lot with wet skin maps.


Not aware of any textures for M4 as such, but I believe EZskin have settings for wet skin. Might be worth a try?

Or use Mina for M4 (sadly no longer available) to use V4 skins on M4 - doesnt always look good tho, especially in the chest area, but depending on your needs might work out.

carmen indorato

Thanks for the ideas.
Never could get Mina set to,work. I got it and despite all the daz tech support I asked for and got, ever could make it happen so K gave up.
As for the the other texture set faery light,I have that in my wish list but Do. Or need another for V4 since I have several good wet sets for her already. It is. 4 I need and if if possible also for K4 if possible. Worse case scenario, I will need to convert V4 to a kid using some of my many morph sets and perish the thought, also to a male and use some of her texture sets that way. But it will make dressing them, waaaaaay more difficult especially since I do NOT know how to use magnets and. Open tool and other Poser stuff to help with fitting.



lol if all else fails, get the texture converter from Daz and convert v4 skins to m4 and vice versa. Result may vary tho.

carmen indorato

Found this and it is a nice morph/tex set for M4. Damn so few left glad I found it!
LK oman-wet & dry-M4
just on sale at Renderoity

carmen indorato

Will keep looking for options but this might hold me over.
Now to find a wet skin for K4! :(
I really wish that figures in a certain "family: were interchangeable. Like for example M4 works with V4 and K4. Would make our darn life so much easier rather than having to jump through hoops getting stuff to work as needed if textures, hair and clothing accessories all work with different "family' members with just a few clicks....could be more expensive but worth it in my opinion to have stuff to use across the product line!


Dances with Bees
Will keep looking for options but this might hold me over.
Now to find a wet skin for K4! :(
I really wish that figures in a certain "family: were interchangeable. Like for example M4 works with V4 and K4. Would make our darn life so much easier rather than having to jump through hoops getting stuff to work as needed if textures, hair and clothing accessories all work with different "family' members with just a few clicks....could be more expensive but worth it in my opinion to have stuff to use across the product line!

The Hivewire family IS interchangeable, particularly textures.

carmen indorato

The Hivewire family IS interchangeable, particularly textures.
Yeah, I kinda figured that. a good thing too I might say. Though I did get Dawn and some of her stuff and Dusk and The baby and some of hers as well, For some reason I just can't seem to install and use them. Got too many issues with new stuff.....Mental blocks or some stupid thing. I keep dropping into the same ruts picking things I am most used to working with.
For example i have dozens of kitchen knives or all sorts and sizes and each could make using them a better cooking prepping experience but I keep going back to the same two or three preferring them for everything w/o giving the other then use they were made for. A mule I am.....I guess! :(


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
If you look at their maps, you will see they are nearly the same.
I just put my V4 texture on the M4 maps and using the "warp" in transform adjust to fit.
Then you can add what details you need to make it look male, or vice versa.
You can also load either character in DS or Poser and apply the other's materials.
They do share the same geometry apparently.
Not long ago I wanted to use an M4 texture on Dusk I had created but did not have the Texture Transformer for that yet.
I did have the one to trasfer M4 to V4 so I did that, then V4 to Dawn and Sawn to Dusk.
Long work around but it worked. :)
Now I have the M4 to Dusk one as well.
Texture Transformer and Texture Converter are great apps.

carmen indorato

If you look at their maps, you will see they are nearly the same.
I just put my V4 texture on the M4 maps and using the "warp" in transform adjust to fit.
Then you can add what details you need to make it look male, or vice versa.
You can also load either character in DS or Poser and apply the other's materials.
They do share the same geometry apparently.
Not long ago I wanted to use an M4 texture on Dusk I had created but did not have the Texture Transformer for that yet.
I did have the one to trasfer M4 to V4 so I did that, then V4 to Dawn and Sawn to Dusk.
Long work around but it worked. :)
Now I have the M4 to Dusk one as well.
Texture Transformer and Texture Converter are great apps.
Thanks for the input. I will play with it.
The converter is something I wanted to get since its release. In fact I did get the earlier releases having an old windows laptop I got just for that app. But it was TOO OLD and not enough power for the converter to work and I didn't get to try it way after I had already picked up the app and additional character plugins for it rendering them all useless. More wasted money for Poser I guess of cours too mch time went by for DAZ to even consider reimbursing me my money sooooooo......!!! :(