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Your promo images for RHT and RHT mats look awesome Ken!! Love the additional textures!
WHEEE and you got DAP in there !! Time for some Chrome renders!!
Thanks... I'm a fan of Harris Ranch, where I stop every time on my way up to visit Mom (LA to Lodi), so California Chrome was an obvious addition for me. For those who don't about Harris Ranch, they are a popular beef product producer for grocery stores, have restaurant (with incredible food) and dabble in horse racing. "DAP" on California Chrome's blinkers refers to Harris Ranch's horse racing division, "Dumb Ass Partnership"
I second that , but Daz is much more forgiving in that department than Poser from my experience. Maybe Ken1171 could make a set ?Miss B, Jockey clothing is called "Silks"
I would love Dawn/Dusk to have their own. I can get the ones I have for Genesis to fit in DS but I don't know how to do that in Poser yet (and my computer still won't render in DS without crashing)