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Lost Mad Soul
Contributing Artist
@xyer0 Good stuff. Just reading about bots squaring off against humans I was already thinking it was a rough sports league as full contact injuries would be vicious...but then I got to the part about the losing team sacrifices and that sold me. Finally a sport with some guts and real stakes in it. Reminds me of some old video games I played long ago (Speedball mainly).

Would love more. Maybe make a mini-comic?


You're too kind, dear @KageRyu. I saw Ken's Cyberpunk Boots, and the idea just popped into my head. Then the press conference idea came as I was waiting for the action footage to render. Perhaps there may be some fodder for renders from the Innovegic CFO (RH @ press conference), whom I find ridiculously hilarious, but I still would lack an overarching story idea suitable for even a mini-comic. These ideas come unbidden, but I'll keep my ears perked. Maybe Ken will continue making inspiring gear for G8.1 or 9.
Thanks again for your kind words and reminisces.


Lost Mad Soul
Contributing Artist
@xyer0 I think centering the Story around this sport and the league would be the foundation, focusing on one team (you could make the Human team the stars, or turn it on it's head and make the captain of the robot team the star and humans the antagonists). Tell some in-between game stories, some behind the scenes locker room/maintenance bay drama. The classic run up to a championship storyline. With the notes in those two posts you have already presented numerous ideas for sub plots and B story Arcs, such as this Monster Mind (which from how I read it sounds like some super-AI Gestalt intellect that absorbs other AI), the whole AI/Robot hate and lack of acceptance could make for several backdrop events and stories. Corporate intrigue as Team Owners and product manufacturers fight for sponsorships, or perhaps the company behind outfitting th human team has an agenda involving reducing or restricting Robot and AI rights...maybe they play dirty and some of the gear given to the human team has illegal mods... So so much to do.

I would offer to help, but I have so many of my own stories unfinished and stalled. I have serious ADD (un-diagnosed...but I am easily distracted), and I also am dealing with a lot of real life issues that have lasted too long and worn me down. At best I could probably whip up some plot summaries or outlines of story ideas, but I likely would not be able to flesh them out.

Incidentally, Have you ever seen Rollerball? The 1975 version with James Caan, not the remake. It is a great movie about a very violent sport and corporate control - would fit the theme of this very well.

If you want to discuss it in more detail, feel free to PM me so we don't drag Ken's thread too far off topic.


Those are great ideas! Obviously, you're very good at this, but these renders are the result of some spare time, and I wouldn't be able to sustain the effort to continue a full series, since, like you, I have other stories I'm tasked with.

I did see the original Rollerball, but I haven't thought about it since then. It's available for free on Tubi. I'll see if it lights a fire. Thanks for taking the time to comment and share those great ideas. I will let you know if things progress on my side.