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KageRyu's cave

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Lost Mad Soul
Contributing Artist
So I am apparently "an unreasonable and impossible customer" because I have this delusional notion that...I pay for a service, I should have reasonable use and access to that service, and if there is a problem I should be able to reach someone in customer service, without jumping through ridiculous hoops, using social media, or agreeing to sign away my privacy and/or rights.


If that makes you "an unreasonable and impossible customer', they would consider me a nightmare, cause I will start bringing out paperwork, screenshots(whichever is applicable) and going, see here, here and here, now keep your darn commitments, if you want me to be a tester, pay me, not the other way around.
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Lost Mad Soul
Contributing Artist
Things just go from bad to worse. Spent Friday afternoon in ER. Had to fire my attorney - so there is no way I am going to win the probate case. Crooked and corrupt courts, crooked unethical attorneys. I just can't do this anymore. I am so sick of this life and this world and nothing I do has any effect.


Lost Mad Soul
Contributing Artist
I had a meeting with an agency today.
I want to say it was promising.
I don't want to say too much as I do not want to jinx myself.
They agree some of what I am being subjected to is absolutely wrong, and it does seem/feel like there is some back channel collaboration with some of these seemingly unrelated groups I am having trouble with.
They are willing to try to help and advocate on some things, and provide some financial assistance on others, but some of it is far beyond their wheelhouse. Though they are willing to take the burden of trying to find me help as they could tell I am emotionally overwhelmed
There is a follow up meeting next week.
I feel more hopeful than I have in a long time, but not a lot, because if this does not work out I am out of places to turn - and finding and getting help from this agency was such a lengthy and difficult process as they normally get referrals form other sources (those other sources being places I have mentioned just slamming doors in my face elsewhere in these forums).

There is still no help or hope with this protracted probate battle I am trapped in at this time though.

If the next meeting is also promising, maybe... just maybe...it will lift my spirits enough to try doing some art or writing again instead of trapped in this gloom and doom.