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I'm puzzled why my props won't stay parent in DAZ Studio.


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
I made a prop, a horn for the horse, and placed it in the center of the head.
Then I parented it to the head, but it will not stay there when the horse moves, why?
Any help is appreciated.


Dances with Bees
screen shot of the tree would be handy with all branches open to show the head and prop.


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Here it is.


  • Screenshot 2020-11-07 003518.png
    Screenshot 2020-11-07 003518.png
    357.1 KB · Views: 298

Doc Acme

Try unparenting the horn and then Zero out its position & rotation Params. Then Parent to the Head bone as you did before but with Parent In Place OFF. Now position the horn; best to use wireframe Ortho views initially.