just in case anyone missed me 
So I went MIA for a bit, the holidays are pretty much when I flake out a bit. Just going to let you all know why I disappear for those few months and be straight forward and stop hiding.
My mother passed away in 2005 of a heart attack and we buried her on Thanksgiving Day. I miss her a lot and thanksgiving is just not the same and never will be without her.
The worst though is on Decemeber 13, 2013 I lost my 18 year old in a car accident, he would have been 21 years old on Jan. 24th this year. He was my baby boy and I thought the worst day of my life was when my mom passed away suddenly but to tell the truth the day the hospital called me telling me my son had been involved in a accident and driving 3 hours to get there to find out he had died at the scene is a parents worst nightmare. A parent should never outlive there child, ever.
Just recently I ended up in the ER , husband thinking I was having a heart attack only to learn I actually having a severe anxiety / panic attack and diagnosed with depression as well. So doctors prescribed me with some meds . I have been taking them and they have been helping me a bit.
So here I am and I am glad to be back.
So I went MIA for a bit, the holidays are pretty much when I flake out a bit. Just going to let you all know why I disappear for those few months and be straight forward and stop hiding.
My mother passed away in 2005 of a heart attack and we buried her on Thanksgiving Day. I miss her a lot and thanksgiving is just not the same and never will be without her.
The worst though is on Decemeber 13, 2013 I lost my 18 year old in a car accident, he would have been 21 years old on Jan. 24th this year. He was my baby boy and I thought the worst day of my life was when my mom passed away suddenly but to tell the truth the day the hospital called me telling me my son had been involved in a accident and driving 3 hours to get there to find out he had died at the scene is a parents worst nightmare. A parent should never outlive there child, ever.
Just recently I ended up in the ER , husband thinking I was having a heart attack only to learn I actually having a severe anxiety / panic attack and diagnosed with depression as well. So doctors prescribed me with some meds . I have been taking them and they have been helping me a bit.
So here I am and I am glad to be back.