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Freazypose - a free PoserPython script to add EasyPose controls to a figure.


Busy Bee
...anyway, four years passed by...

I've just uploaded Freazypose 0.10 (exactly the same version as I posted to ShareCG four years ago in post #5) to Renderosity Free Stuff - Freazypose (prototype 0.10) for Poser 9+ | Renderosity

But since I've had two people ask me if it'll work with Poser 12 I'm looking into that.

Prototype 0.11b (attached) has two changes from Prototype 0.10

1) The two print statements have been Python-3-ified by added brackets.
2) A syntax error in a text string for one of the message boxes has been (hopefully) fixed

This version appears to run in Poser 12 but I think we've only got as far as successfully verifying which rotate channel (x/y/z) corresponds to which easypose-style dial (twist/bend/side-side).

If anybody else would like to try it I'd be delighted. For testing I recommend using either (preferably) the test tentacle that came with Freazypose 0.10 or a figure that came with Poser 11 and is still there, unchanged, with Poser 12.


  • Freazypose0-11b (Poser 12 test 2).zip
    7.5 KB · Views: 286
Last edited:


Busy Bee
I've just done a control run of Freazypose0-11b (Poser 12 test 2).py in Poser 11.

I ran the script on V3 SAE with hip, Body, Collar, Shoulder and Neck selected in turn.

It behaves exactly as it should.
- if Hip/Body is selected it aborts with a warning that the actor must have exactly one child and terminates tidily.
- if Collar/Shoulder/Neck is selected it creates a 3/2/1 item long epseglist[], correctly applies the easypose dials, and terminates tidily.


Busy Bee
hborre has just confirmed that Freazypose prototype 0.11b appears to work correctly in Poser 12 if a suitable actor is selected before running Freazypose.

But to be suitable for a release I want to also be sure that it terminates tidily when the selected actor is unsuitable (after displaying the appropriate dialogues of course).

I think I need to complete my dialogues flowchart. Then I'll be able to specify a small number of test runs that will exercise (almost*) every part of the code.

It'll probably take me a couple of days to do the flowchart as I'm quite busy today and this weekend. So in the meantime if anybody else would like to test prototype 11b in Poser 12 please do so, and post your results - ideally here, but over on the Renderosity thread is fine too.

*almost because I have a couple of bits of code to catch situations which should never occur - one of which was (or would have been if it wasn't for the syntax error in the dialogue line) displayed when you did your second test run with V3


Busy Bee
Just had time to scribble down a flowchart from looking at the code. Not sure if anybody'll be able to read or make sense of it ;)

(Based on the handwriting how old would you think I am ? :D )



Contributing Artist
Does handwriting change with age? Mine is still the same as when I was a teenager, though I admit, a little worse these days because computers have removed the need to write by hand. As a matter of fact, that has become a phenomenon in Japan, where younger people have "unlearned" how to write in Japanese by hand because nobody does it anymore nowadays. However, that is traditionally required in job interviews, where we have to submit a handwritten resume, and the writing itself will be judged. For the record, it takes a lifetime for the Japanese to master the art of writing in their own language (with 4 alphabets), but the advent of word processors has compromised their ability to do it by hand.

As it is with everything else in life, the brain needs physical practice to get us good on something. When was last time I had to write something on paper with a pen? I can't remember. No wonder my calligraphy is getting worse.