My first computer was a Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 1. I remember spending hours entering BASIC programs into the thing. I was probably in high school at the time. Other computers that followed were various Atari systems, Commodore C64, some Radio Shack Pocket Computers (one with portable 4-color plotter), some super awesome Amiga systems including an Amiga 2000 with Video Toaster (and Lightwave 3D 1.0), Apple systems galore (PowerBook 100, Color Classic, PowerMac 6100/66, PowerBook 1400, some PowerBooks that I no longer remember the model numbers, iBooks, MacBooks, and iMacs.) Currently, I use a 2011 27" iMac, 2015 Mac Mini, and 2016 12" Retina MacBook.
I don't recall what mainframe we used in college, but we started with Hollerith card punch machines and made our way up to dumb terminals with acoustic couplers to access the mainframe. Graduated with a degree in Mathematics and Computer Science.
First job right out of college had me writing in Fortran and ModComp assembly language on ModComp computers. These were directly connected to NASA hardware simulators and also to quad Honeywell mainframe systems. The NASA simulators and Honeywell systems flowed data through my ModComp and into the Firing Rooms to support the simulated pre-launch and launch (through 1 minute into flight) of the Space Shuttle. I thoroughly enjoyed my time working with those systems. Did a couple of special projects utilizing ModComp systems for Lockheed that I can't talk about. That was stressful and exciting work.
Managed the only (at the time) dual processor system in Florida, a DEC VAX 11/782 system, while at Honeywell. Also managed and supported some DEC Alpha systems for engineering. We eventually ditchd our Honeywell mainframe and moved the business processes over to those powerful Alphas. Also, we used a mix of Apple and PC hardware in the desktop space.
I was a hobbyist software developer for Apple's Newton platform in the early through late 90's. Created the first handheld movie player and some 3D vector graphics apps (games and CAD app) along with some other multimedia oriented apps. Loved the Newton (precursor to iPhone and iPad.)
Was living in Tampa in 1995 when I picked up version 1 of Poser. Have used it ever since and am thrilled to be part of this community!