An "Add-on" is an accessory.I noticed you got me in "Figure Accessories" I'd prob fit better in "Material Add-ons" since I'm just a texture artist and not a modeler?
An "Add-on" is an accessory.I noticed you got me in "Figure Accessories" I'd prob fit better in "Material Add-ons" since I'm just a texture artist and not a modeler?
Ironman no longer has a store at Renderosity, so... never mind.Can anyone tell me is Ironman and Ironman 13 are the same vendor? Also need to know for Islandgirl and Islandgirldesign?
Islandgirl and Islandgirldesign are most likely the same person. I have a lot of her products - poses mostly - and the items usually have "IGD" at the start of the names.Can anyone tell me is Ironman and Ironman 13 are the same vendor? Also need to know for Islandgirl and Islandgirldesign?
I can confirm Ironman is Mike of Ironman13.
Ironman13 was a partnership between Mike and his wife, but due to circumstances it's not my place to discuss, that partnership ended.
Mike is unable to use the i13 brand and has been working with me (as we have for many years) to continue to create and release content.
I can confirm I'm not Mikes DaughterI'm a man and older than him, so that doesn't work on all sorts of levels
i3D_Lotus is his very talented daughter, bless her.
Hope helps
John (Fugazi1968)
Cool!I can type in the search box!
Hmm...It would be nice if the vendor lists would be in alphabetic order.
I just created a database of vendors for DAZ, Renderosity, CG Bytes, Poser World, etc. so I have a number of vendors named, but not what they create. Hopefully, The search bar, provided you know the name of the vendor you looking for, will return a vendor's link's where you can find his work.Under the category, the vendors are all over the place. Makes it hard to spot any one in particular. Is this in a database, or just manually entered lists in HTML?
I guess categories in alphabetic order would be good, too, but there aren't as many of them, so it's not quite as bad.
Sorry, it's taken me so long to get back to you. I'm TRYING to learn how to code using php and sql. Not succeeding at all, mind you. The database will be in SQL assuming I ever learn how to do it right. I'm hopeful though. To try and answer your last question though, what I'm TRYING to do is have people type a vendor's name in the search box and click submit. That will start the script that will send the command to search the database and retrieve all the links matching the vendor's name. I just found out though that I may even be able to go a step further. Let's say someone want to find the Hivewire Tiger, but they don't know Hivewire makes it. They type Tiger in the search bar and the Hivewire Tiger is one of the link results returned. ... HOPEFULLY.Is it an actual relational database, or an Excel file?