VortigensBane - well ...actually .... yes, kind of. Jump along in the directions to where the item is fitted and go to the next bit. So for poser, go into the fitroom and follow directions from there, from DS you start at the import obj step. If the saddle is already shaped to Harry, then its straight up rigging from there really, you don't need all the shaping tools in this set. This won't help you with fancy extras like custom rigged reins and whatnot, for that can I suggest my book as mentioned above? *lol*
And also ..
It is now submitted!
View attachment 19778 View attachment 19779 View attachment 19780 View attachment 19781
This is probably the first time the P4Horse has made it to a promo image in a long long while *lol*
And I am sad .. I had a set of textures for the Charger that were sent to me as a gift by the maker. I don't remember who made them, but they had also made them for Daio's Heavy Horse. Alas, the charger textures didn't make it to my archives and so I have lost them for good. What a shame. At any rate here we have various conversions showing before and after for the Milhorse1, Milhorse 2, Poser4Horse and DAZ Charger. The original horse is always the back one.