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Corrupt files for Sanbie's Texture Challenges at PfdDelights ?


Busy Bee
I've recently come across a few old texture sets at ShareCG for Sanbie's Texture Challenges (e.g. this TC 42 Dawn Worlds End - Poser - ShareCG ), but when I try to download the outfits and/or alternative textures from the PfdDelights site (e.g. Texture 42 (pfddelights.com) ) a lot of the ZIP files and JPG previews appear to be corrupted.

The site doesn't appear to have had any activity for several years, and it was never upgraded from HTTP to HTTPS so browsers now indicate that it's insecure.

Does anybody know if darkangel, Sanbie, and/or Aelin (who appear on the PFD Delights - Staff List ) are still involved with Poser/Studio, and if so where's the best place to contact them ? I believe that Sanbie had a store here at Hivewire which is why I'm asking here first.


Nitab's files aren't yet resintalled.
With the move in December, all attachment files disappeared. Despite the forum continues to pretend you can download them, it's wrong.

If you see the little paperclip icone, it's an attached file, like in your example.
The update really started 3 days ago, but we are far away to have put back everything:
- most of Sanbie's ones (2 templates are missing for the moment; and several topics of pngs are still with attached files).
- all Agent0013's
- all Chrysy's
- a large part of Sanbie and Deni's
- all (I think) of BuyDragonBreath
- all from Charly's
We are trying to resintall now the Eblank's freebies, but they are so numerous than maybe it's not for today.

We keep the attached files inside messages for the moment because they give the exact name of the pack which was in the said message. It's confusing, but it's the only way for now.

PFDdelights is secure, despite there is not the "s". There are periods where Hivewire forum is written like unsecure in top bar, despite there is the "s", but no warning messages. Stupid machines, it's all I can tell.

We are still around with Poser and Daz. Yet, Sanbies is less active for now. Maybe you can find her on Renderosity, I'm not sure.

And thank you to PDG for letting me know about this topic :flower03:

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Thanks for stopping in and keeping us updated Aelin. Much appreciated. :)


You're welcome!

Yeah, we changed of host, and that for Fantasy Attic forum, Fantasies Realm Market, PFDlives, PFDdelights, and even the Attic Free Zone.
All attachments from FA and PFDlives are also missing after that.
That's why now the freebies on PFDdelights will be directly on the server, no more by attachments.

A part of Eblank's freebies are back. No one in the Genesis and Female sections for the moment. And I think no backgrounds too.

We'll continue to other creators for now, with the possibility to find hidden Eblank's freebies somewhere with them :roflmao:


- almost all topics of CalieVee/Faeryl Womyn
- a little more png by Sanbie.
- Grange
- Kathryn/TheKatster
- Grandma Paula (except 3 topics)
- Lilli (except TAG topics)
- Llola Lane (expect one topic with jpg)
- Nitab (1 missing TC for now, but the example you gave is back)

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Thanks for keeping us updated - time to go and have another look... :)

(For anybody who hasn't found Sanbie's texture challenge outfits and the resulting textures go to the index (by figure) here PFD TEXTURE CHALLENGES (pfddelights.com) )
Well, the links for downloading the challenges are not working, as I keep getting a Malicious Download popup which cancels the download.

I'm not sure if that's because of the transfer to a new web host, but I wouldn't go there to download files just yet.


If you get that error it is a new one for me...the site is getting worked on. When we moved from the old host FileZilla was mean and set itself to auto vs binary and corrupted all our atachments. We have been gathering all the items checking to make sure the zips (were on server and on my comp from before the move...LOL) and Aelin is working like a madwoman to restore the images and zips into a proper link and not an attachment.

Keep checking and if you need to contact me or Aelin just send us a pm from here or an email. If the zip is on my comp then I will upload it and if it is on the server then Aelin can send it to you.

That said, if anyone has promo images from the downloads, from before, then please let us know cause the attachment images are no good.

EDIT: I just took a look at DAE Warrior and for me the links work proper so that means some are functioning, if the link is from the attachment below the post then those are corrupt

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Ahhh, thanks for the update @darkangel. I'm not in a rush for anyone particular set, so I'll just keep checking back until the ones I want are OK. ;)


No problem we moved from 5.6 php to 7.+php and it murdered a lot of stuff then filezilla resetting its own prefs with an update (sometimes Firefox will do it too) did not help any