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Converting V4 clothing to other characters using DS


Contributing Artist
So having retired last year I'm beginning to play with DS again. I had converted lots of V4 clothing to Dawn but when I lost a drive I also lost a lot of what I'd converted. So I've started to convert clothing again. Started this time with V4 Sorceress outfit. I have converted the tunic and the belt so far.
Something I've noticed that I didn't previously was that instead of creating a fix morph I can update the base mesh. I will post some screenshots next time I do this so that people who want to have a try can do so.
Images so far are of Dawn in the Astral texture and the Hegomone texture. After conforming it to Dawn I used a dforce modifier which seems to work okay. I've also created a morph for Diva.


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    Dawn Nisha 75 audrina v4sorc hegemone Diva 2 copy.jpg
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    Dawn Nisha 75 audrina v4sorc Astral copy.jpg
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    Dawn Nisha 75 audrina v4sorc hegemone copy.jpg
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Contributing Artist
So with any item I start by loading it into a scene with Dawn.

When the autofit loads up I've been leaving it blank and not using a clone and just choosing a template for the shoes I chose LVL-DVD's clean boot template. At this point the shoes aren't fitted to the feet.

I then check the mesh resolution to ensure it's on base and then send Dawn and the clothing to Zbrush with both boxes ticked on the dialogue box.

Shoes are a little bit trickier as I will need to do them one at a time as they come as a pair.

So I start by masking one of the shoes. Then I click on the scale icon in Zbrush and I move and scale the shoe to fit the best I can.


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    converting clothing scaling.jpg
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Contributing Artist
The next step I use the Move Topological Brush and fix the issue on the top of the foot. But I want to do something more than just move it for the ankle issue. So I mask the portion I don't want to change. Then using the rotate tool I gently rotate the shoe near the ankle to where it needs to be.
At this stage there is small amount of distortion around the join to the masking. I remove the mask by holding ctrl and dragging in the workspace and then holding the shift key I click to smooth the distortion. I don't hold it down as sometimes that can do more than you want it to. So just click and release. I also use the move tool to gently move anything that needs to be moved to avoid poke thru(You might get some as you smooth but it shouldn't be much if you use the smooth tool really carefully. That's one side done. Next mask the side you've just done and do the same process with the other side. Now if you're happy to create a totally new object you can at this point just delete by symmetry and mirror and weld but this won't give you the surfaces or the morphs from the original shoes.


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Contributing Artist
So once you have completed moving the other shoe you click on GoZ. Make sure update the base mesh is selected and click accept. Make sure that you add a smoothing modifier to the item as this will help to avoid pokethru when posing.

Add a pose and the shoes should do what they are supposed to do move with the figure. After this it's just a case of saving them as a figure. By going to file/ saveas/ support asset/ figure prop see the image included.


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Contributing Artist
Doing it this way means morphs and surfaces are still intact. See image below with the back trail dialed in and all the surfaces still listed.

This process can be used with any character I chose to do it on Dawn but I could easily have done the same for Genesis 8. Both are very similar in size and shape to V4 it requires more effort when the character has less similarities.


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