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Cats should NOT sleep on laptop keyboards!


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Forget about the messages they post all night. Zad had a following of people on a Discord room where he typed a LOT. Or them turning up magnification to max.

This morning Maggie was right on the keyboard asleep so I pushed her aside when I woke up. The display was slightly pink and darker, colors just seemed off. Went to color management and try calibrating it a few times and it was better but not much. Finally went again to brightness settings and looked into the night light option. Turning it off and on fixed it.


Contributing Artist
Very true Kage!

@Janet I have one that as soon as I sit at my desk on the computer comes and sits on my arms and wants to sleep there.
They all like to walk across the desk to the window where they perch and watch the birds.


I built a new computer over the winter during lockdown. I hadn't realized the case I ordered had a meshed top to allow for considerable heat dissipation. It instantly became a cat perch. Perfect size and shape for kitty with a fine wafting of warm air to keep kitty warm through the cold winter. Worst case design ever. I am constantly removing the side of the case to vacume out his hair.


Either unplug your keyboard at night or move it and put out a fake one for them to sleep on. Over the years I've practically collected keyboards. Probably got about seven around here somewhere. My cats were back in the pre-computer days, but they slept everywhere else they weren't supposed to. My favorite two places to find them sleeping was in the living room window or on a Bookcase that we used to have in the corner. To this day, I still don't know how he got up there as the fronts were glass doors that were shut, and there was not room on the sides or back for him to jump up.


BTW, this isn't exactly the same thing, but as I mentioned my cats were back during pre-computer days, but I used an electric typewriter to type my stories and scripts. Now, no my cat didn't fall asleep on my keyboard, but he would see me typing, and the keys popping up and hitting the paper, so he would jump up on the table, stare at the keys for a moment and then try to catch them. I'd have to stop typing or he would jam the keys, or I might hurt him. I finally had to put him out of the room.


Contributing Artist
I built a new computer over the winter during lockdown. I hadn't realized the case I ordered had a meshed top to allow for considerable heat dissipation. It instantly became a cat perch. Perfect size and shape for kitty with a fine wafting of warm air to keep kitty warm through the cold winter. Worst case design ever. I am constantly removing the side of the case to vacume out his hair.
I have one with a meshed top but none of our 4 kitties have discovered it yet. Let's hope it stays that way.
Either unplug your keyboard at night or move it and put out a fake one for them to sleep on. Over the years I've practically collected keyboards. Probably got about seven around here somewhere. My cats were back in the pre-computer days, but they slept everywhere else they weren't supposed to. My favorite two places to find them sleeping was in the living room window or on a Bookcase that we used to have in the corner. To this day, I still don't know how he got up there as the fronts were glass doors that were shut, and there was not room on the sides or back for him to jump up.
Good idea Earl. It's amazing where cats can jump to. We have a tree thing that attaches to the door and our go up onto the top of the door and then jump to a close by bookcase. One of our cat loves to sit on a bookshelf if there is any space he will fit.

Currently I have two cats, on on a chair and the other on top of the printer staring out of my study window watching the birds. They get quite excited sometimes and try and jump at them and get blocked by the glass in the window.


I have one with a meshed top but none of our 4 kitties have discovered it yet. Let's hope it stays that way.

Good idea Earl. It's amazing where cats can jump to. We have a tree thing that attaches to the door and our go up onto the top of the door and then jump to a close by bookcase. One of our cat loves to sit on a bookshelf if there is any space he will fit.

Currently I have two cats, on on a chair and the other on top of the printer staring out of my study window watching the birds. They get quite excited sometimes and try and jump at them and get blocked by the glass in the window.
Your story tripped another memory land-mine yesterday talking about cats and trees. When I was much much younger, we had a cat and he ran up a tree in our back yard. He got stuck or scared, so I had to go get him down. I say stuck or scared, because the tree wasn't that big or high. In fact, I don't know why, but I just backed up to the tree, bent over and the cat jumped down on my back then down on the ground. That was then. Fast forward back to the present and the cat is long gone, I'm retired and remembering little things like this, but the tree is now HUGE! I doubt the cat could even climb it now, and the lowest branch now towers above the roof of my house.


It isn't just cats that do things like this. I had a Chihuahua that liked to type, if I happened to be away from the keyboard. One time she got so deep into the inner workings of my computer, a place that only brave techs should dare to go, I froze in panic!


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
When I was a kid we had a cat that climbed to the top of a telephone pole that was just over the fence of our backyard. She was just sitting up there crying. I begged my parents to call the fire department to come rescue her but they refused. Next morning she made it down on her own.


I found out today why cats like to sleep on keyboards or books that you are reading. You have to go through the whole video, but it's the last one they talk about.


My spoiled kitties have a cat bed that we put on one of the living room chairs - it looks like a heating pad, but it just gets warm, not hot and resembles a heating pad. Only heats up when the cat lays on it tho ;). They love it.


Found this video today of a cat that found the ultimate warm place to sleep. :D This nearly happened to me once. Actually it was something like it. A neighborhood stray seemed to like curling up under my hood at night. Scared the hell out of me one morning when he darted out from under the car one morning.


When I was a kid we had a cat that climbed to the top of a telephone pole that was just over the fence of our backyard. She was just sitting up there crying. I begged my parents to call the fire department to come rescue her but they refused. Next morning she made it down on her own.
A while ago before my old neighbors moved away, we used to share a cat… by that I mean, he spent most of his time hanging out around my house and if he didn’t get a snack he liked here, he ate at home… or possibly some other house…
But anyway, one day he climbed up onto the roof of my garage/shop and was crying for help in a very panicked state… being the structure’s roof is around a hundred years old, I was very cautious about where to put a rescue ladder and I had to set up something to keep the ladder from putting pressure anywhere flimsy…
Of course after going though all that trouble, the moment I got up on the roof, my furry little buddy jumped over to a nearby tree and climbed down on his own… He sat there on the patio watching me and rolling around purring, waiting for me come down and rub his belly.

Sometimes cats are just jerks with a terrible sense of humor.


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
A while ago before my old neighbors moved away, we used to share a cat… by that I mean, he spent most of his time hanging out around my house and if he didn’t get a snack he liked here, he ate at home… or possibly some other house…
But anyway, one day he climbed up onto the roof of my garage/shop and was crying for help in a very panicked state… being the structure’s roof is around a hundred years old, I was very cautious about where to put a rescue ladder and I had to set up something to keep the ladder from putting pressure anywhere flimsy…
Of course after going though all that trouble, the moment I got up on the roof, my furry little buddy jumped over to a nearby tree and climbed down on his own… He sat there on the patio watching me and rolling around purring, waiting for me come down and rub his belly.

Sometimes cats are just jerks with a terrible sense of humor.
Typical cat!