Ohhhhh, OK. I didn't realize what you meant when you said switching it off and on. Yes my laptop has the option to turn WiFi on an off. On this puppy, it's the F10 button. It has a small red light when it's off, and it turns green when it's on. I usually have it off because this puppy's always hard wired when I'm in the house, and I rarely take it out anywhere.I can pull the battery, yes. It's just the WIFI has no physical switch to turn it off and on. So if I put Windows 7 on the laptop, I don't know if the drivers and software to turn WIFI on and off will transfer with it.
First choice would be to download the WiFi's control utility, but if it isn't Win7 compatible, you could use Windows' Device Manager to disable/enable the WiFi. You could make a desktop shortcut for it.I don't know if there will be software in 7 to turn the WIFI on and off. I think it only needs a driver, though, right?
Hmmmm, I've had mine a long time and haven't had any problems. Western Digital is a good brand for external hard drives as well.Ha! I don't like Toshiba's external drives. Every one I've owned got corrupted and I lost TB's of movies, pictures, and other files I wanted to keep. I stick with Western Digital now.
I'll give this a go if I can't find compatible drivers. I will wait until I get in port again and have a signal because the Windows 7 install wants to check for compatibility before it installs Windows 7. I guess that will tell me everything I need to know about it. I hope it works. I really am not a fan of Windows 10. I've used it before and went back to 7.First choice would be to download the WiFi's control utility, but if it isn't Win7 compatible, you could use Windows' Device Manager to disable/enable the WiFi. You could make a desktop shortcut for it.
Administrative tools => C:\Windows\System32\mmc.exe (icon is a red toolbox in front of a monitor), click the Device Manager tab, or, more directly, go to
Device Manager => C:\Windows\System32\devmgmt.msc (icon is a grey toolbox in front of a silver PC tower)