You could be right, but that just turned me off.I thought Enterprise was okay... I didn't think it was "great," but it was okay.
Mostly I think they were trying to show a NOT Utopian time period, thus all of the "angry" writing on the episodes, IMO...
I remember first seeing him in Quantum Leap years ago, and I'm not sure if he, or the show, turned me off more. It might have been the show, because I've seen him in guest spots on other series and he was fine.I like Scott Bakula but hated him in Enterprise.
I just didn't like him on Enterprise at all, and also didn't like the show as a whole, which probably colored my opinion of him and/or his acting.
I do have to say, he's not too bad on NCIS New Orleans, but the writing for the 3 NCIS series is top notch, so that's probably making a big difference, though I think he'd be a little more believable if he didn't try so hard for the N.O. accent.