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A Few Books By The Cheapskate...


Busy Bee
Download page at ShareCG - A Few Books By The Cheapskate...

Here's what I wrote on that page:

A first test of a simple prop for populating all those empty virtual bookshelves.
It's in Poser 6 Poser Prop format.There's a PMD version, plus a normal version so DAZ Studio users can use it too.
There's a single 2048x2048 JPG texture containing 41 classic titles in paperback - you really should read them !
The prop loads with the bottom left corner of the leftmost book at the origin.
All 41 books are standardish-sized thin paperbacks (17.5cm x 10cm x 1cm)
There's a morph to separate the books, and another to make them A4 magazine-ish size (29.7cm x 21cm x 1cm).
And because having all books the same size is so boring there are two morphs for making them more random-ish.
All morphs play happily together, and negative values work to some extent although some books turn inside out, and that's not a pretty sight!
More details in the "Books To Populate All Those Empty Virtual Bookshelves"thread on the DAZ Freebie forum
Hopefully I packaged everything up that's needed. It'seems a long time since I last did one of these...


Busy Bee
Hope you find them useful...
For anybody who wants to do their own textures, I've added a template and helper image to the ShareCG download page and DAZ thread.