DISCLAIMER: The following statement is the rantings of a known to be insane individual who's opinions and ideas are a function of his own personal form of insanity and does not express in any way the opinions of Hivewire3d, their staff, their pets or their neighbors.
I would have made that all in bold and red or something, but the iPad won't stop dropping the selected text every time I try and do something up there...
So I'm sitting here waiting for my kids and to waste time I check out ShareCG....
Shouldn't that now be "ShareSomeStuffButChargeForOthersCG"?
I was able to wrap my mind around the extra (invasive) ads...
I know a long time ago they asked if people wanted a store there too, but they often ask users what they think about stuff and usually just do nothing.
Kinda disappointing...
The main page is littered with for sale stuff... You'd think that when you ask people if they want "a store", it would mean a separate page...
A lot of the stuff I'm seeing is by a couple of artists who do quality work and sell at other sites...
But I'm just waiting for all the hacks who rip off 3D Warehouse stuff to start flooding the site with hastily converted models, once they catch wind of this.
Now that money is involved, I'm just counting on how this will attract phishy and hacky lowlifes....
Must everything be monetized?
Seriously.... SHARE...C...friggin' G!
I honestly didn't care if it was a separate page or store as they asked about, but mixed in, it will get abused in a heartbeat.
Not to mention new people will see stuff for sale mixed with stuff that's free and think it's a phishy gimmick...
Maybe I'm the only one who sees it this way, but it's like going to a library and finding some books with a price tag...
You know... It's probably just me... I'm really sick of caring about stuff...
Like I said, it's all my opinion, but I thought people might want to note the change...
I would have made that all in bold and red or something, but the iPad won't stop dropping the selected text every time I try and do something up there...
So I'm sitting here waiting for my kids and to waste time I check out ShareCG....
Shouldn't that now be "ShareSomeStuffButChargeForOthersCG"?
I was able to wrap my mind around the extra (invasive) ads...
I know a long time ago they asked if people wanted a store there too, but they often ask users what they think about stuff and usually just do nothing.
Kinda disappointing...
The main page is littered with for sale stuff... You'd think that when you ask people if they want "a store", it would mean a separate page...
A lot of the stuff I'm seeing is by a couple of artists who do quality work and sell at other sites...
But I'm just waiting for all the hacks who rip off 3D Warehouse stuff to start flooding the site with hastily converted models, once they catch wind of this.
Now that money is involved, I'm just counting on how this will attract phishy and hacky lowlifes....
Must everything be monetized?
Seriously.... SHARE...C...friggin' G!
I honestly didn't care if it was a separate page or store as they asked about, but mixed in, it will get abused in a heartbeat.
Not to mention new people will see stuff for sale mixed with stuff that's free and think it's a phishy gimmick...
Maybe I'm the only one who sees it this way, but it's like going to a library and finding some books with a price tag...
You know... It's probably just me... I'm really sick of caring about stuff...
Like I said, it's all my opinion, but I thought people might want to note the change...