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The Anchorage, Part 3

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Ah, but both the car and the boat were in their senior years. Well, for sure Souci is ... given she's what ... 100 years old now?

It sounds like the Holden Monaro wasn't all that young either. Though, I doubt anywhere near 100. That would make it a Model T :p

It doesn't sound like Holden was yet producing cars in 1916. According to wiki, wartime trade restrictions after 1917 led the company to start full-scale production of vehicle body shells ... before that they were producing side car bodies (and before that ... saddles?). The Monaro was produced between 1968 and 1977 and between 2001 and 2006. So ... while it could have been rather old, it still wasn't anywhere near as old as our Sans Souci! Certainly, no more than a quarter of a century?


The Wicked Witch of the North
I only killed the motor, Myth, not the whole boat! And considering said motor was 50 odd years old when it said "I can't do this anymore", that's not too bad.

The Monaro would have been 13 years old when it encountered the rock and gorse. Shannon was born in '82. The ones produced in 2001-2006 were not a patch on the older ones. They may have been more powerful but they weren't pretty like the originals.

I've been busy this week being a painter of kitchen (and getting stung by a grumpy windblown bee). The port side of the kitchen is FIN! and I'll be able to put things back in the cupboards tomorrow. I'll take a couple of days break and then do the starboard side. Oh joy!!!

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Wow, sounds like you're getting a lot done. Don't overdo it though, just work at a nice easy pace, and it'll all be done before you know it.


The Wicked Witch of the North
I'm so looking forward to when it's finished, Satira, but there's nothing like living in a mess with piles of stacked up stuff to make me motivated :)

Trying to be good and careful, Miss B. I'm doing one small area at a time, finishing that, then taking a break before moving on to the next. I'd like to paint the whole boat and by doing it this way it'll take a lot longer but a/ I won't have to move so much stuff b/ it will spread the cost and c/ it won't hurt my hands so much. It may not happen overnight but it will happen! And by the weekend the kitchen will be FINISHED!!!


The Wicked Witch of the North
Afternoon all!! Well, I've done it, I've finished the painting in the kitchen including inside the cupboards. I had a '"holy hell, what is that?!" moment when I discovered a rotten piece of wood, attached to the hull, and under the waterline. Scary! Took a while to get it out and thankfully it hadn't affected the planking. I will need to do some work there when I next haul the boat as there are copper nails through the hull from the outside poking up into the pot cupboard. I've put in a raised floor to cover them till then. Makes me wonder what else is lurking under cupboards and floors...

I've decided the stove is now letting the side down so I looked for heat resistant paint. There's a local product for pot belly stoves that will make it look all shiny bright again :)


The Wicked Witch of the North
Yay Lorraine! Now you can come do my kitchen!

:rofl: it'll be a while till I can get there, got the rest of a 40' boat to paint inside and out ;)

And of course, I'm not finished the kitchen yet. Everyday I think of something else to make it work better, this time a tilt out cupboard for the rubbish bin and another shelf in the pot cupboard. Can this reno business become an addiction?!

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I'm not sure about that Lorraine, but if you get real good at it, you might be able to hire yourself out to other boaters who need renovations. ;)


The Wicked Witch of the North
I ran out of paint! So my painting screeched to a halt and I did some epoxying instead. Today I might, just might not do anything. Maybe.

I head ashore Friday for my couple of weeks looking after the Fluffbum. Computer is coming with me of course so no reno's, just much art! About time really. I've only fired up the gennie twice for the computer in the last month so an enforced break from DIY will be a good one. My hands will love me :)