• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

Just double-checking the rules on including links in forum posts


Busy Bee
My main reason for including links in forum posts nowadays is to cross-link to useful, associated threads on other forums at other sites. Just wanted to confirm that there's no problem with doing that.


The Wicked Witch of the North
As long as you are not linking to places that would be contrary to the HW TOS, it will be ok. If it is to a commercial item pertaining to the HW figures on another site, HW do ask that it be put in the Across the Community thread. Other forums or freebies may be linked to within your own threads or those of others if pertinent.


Busy Bee
I've been happily cross-linking to related threads at Renderosity and RDNA. I also included a couple of links to CGbytes. CGBytes has the same sort of rules as Renderosity and RDNA, so it should be okay to include links, but I'd just like confirmation. My links are (and would continue to be) to threads in the Poser Discussion - CGBytes - CGbytes - CGbytes.com the online community for 3d digital art. and The Node Knows! - CGBytes - CGbytes - CGbytes.com the online community for 3d digital art. forums. But it's a couple of the product advertisements (which keep changing) - there's nothing directly in breach of Hivewire ToS, but I thought it best to check. Note: usually the ads are fine - it's just that occasionally I see one that makes me uncertain...(but it may well be that those ads are filtered out for non-members?)


The Wicked Witch of the North
Had a look at both pages, I think you might be worried about the gags? Not sure if they're in breach, need Alisa or Lisa to check.


Busy Bee
Not specifically those - as I said they occasionally change. But occasionally there've been ads for models of - well, let's just say 'restraining equipment' with a sexual theme. I'd say that although the theme obviously isn't PG13, the ads themselves might be - some folks might not even notice!

I decided to err on the side of caution with my latest crossreference and didn't give the URL, just the thread title. But I've got a few posts already with links to my threads in the Poser and The Node Knows forums.


HW3D Vice President & Queen Bee
Staff member
We do need to maintain the balance of being here for the customer without harming ourselves or our business in the process. If the links are informative, helpful, are tutorials or in some way are answering a question or providing a service to the customer that we do not currently provide, we are good with them. Of course we do want to minimize the chance that someone leaves here and is exposed to something that is not within our TOS, but we can't prevent it in all cases. Please use your best judgement. Thank you!


Busy Bee
Thanks Lisa - maybe if I add a note after the relevant links that "(warning: occasionally this site may have ads that are borderline for the HiveWire ToS)" ?

Also is it possible to enter a URL without it being automatically turned into a hyperlink? Having a non-hyperlinked URL means that it's still easy to go to the link for anybody who wants to (copy the URL and paste it into the browsers address bar), but it becomes a far more definite action on the part of the user - less chance of somebody just clicking on the link without noting the warning.


HW3D Vice President & Queen Bee
Staff member
The forum software automatically hyperlinks a pasted link so I'm not sure that can be circumvented.

What I would encourage is thinking about what YOU want the Hive to represent to others and then act within the tools we have to that end. If you want to perpetuate what we do here then take an active role and be creative in your sharing in our forums. Day by day we are defined by what you all choose to share here. We trust that your choices contribute to the honey flow vs feeding hive beetles and varroa mites. We will take action if what is shared here is against what we are here to create, but we don't wish to police you or tell you what you can or can not share. We do believe that people are inherently good intentioned and as such we give you freedom to use your best judgement,

Gadget Girl

Contributing Artist
Not specifically those - as I said they occasionally change. But occasionally there've been ads for models of - well, let's just say 'restraining equipment' with a sexual theme. I'd say that although the theme obviously isn't PG13, the ads themselves might be - some folks might not even notice!

So you may have inadvertently created that advertising for yourself because of the chain figure you were working on. I'm guess along the way you may have done some internet searches using works like chain and poser, and the little robots that try and deliver 'relevant' ads to you made some assumptions.

Sadly the tricky thing about Rendeosity links, is that even though there is some fabulous information there, those threads sometimes devolve. I remember reading a fantastic bagginsbill thread about setting up skin shaders. Eventually other people in the conversation decided that the only way to show if you skin shader was any good was by showing women undressing. Even so, the beginning of the thread was still hugely helpful and relevant.

What I would encourage is thinking about what YOU want the Hive to represent to others and then act within the tools we have to that end.

:yeahthat: And that's why I love Hivewire. I actually have no problem with nudes, or even adult content, but I'd rather be able to discuss 3d and topics like how to make good skin shaders without the sort of devolution I mentioned above.