So I've been trying very hard to work on several of my projects, and more and more strange things keep happening. I've been fighting with some cloth sims, trying to find cloth settings that work the way I want and nothing has been working. I was starting to feel that I'd never get this project done because I knew nothing about what I was doing at all, and why was I even trying to make content. . .
But I tried to soldier on, and since along the way I got my camera orbited at a funny angle I went to reposition it manually.
I went back and checked, just in case in some strange way I had managed to clothify my camera (I'm not even sure what that would mean) and no, I hadn't. I think it's time to restart the computer and pretend none of this ever happened. But hey, at least I have a screen shot to prove I'm not crazy, and maybe I do know what I'm doing after all. It's just Poser that doesn't.