Dances with Bees
Look what I did!!
The rough patch at the top of Nataani's eyes, where the eyelids and eyebrow/eye orbits were a bit wonky. Gone!
For comparison, this is what the upper eyelids/eye orbit/brow area looks like WITHOUT the fix morph :
I just used the morph brush to smooth out the upper part of the eyelids here, and I think they look a LOT better with this fix applied.
So uhm. How do I get the fix morph out of Dusk in a way that it can be injected and distributed legally? LOL
Good job! You OWN the morph. You created it. Save it in your injection pose and distribute away. You can set it to 1 so it is always applied when the injection is applied.
Good to see you experimenting with the morph brush.