Yes! That was the only way to eat them. I think cocoa crispies tasted better as well. I never liked any of the fruit flavours cereals. I never liked *real* fruit in my cereal. For some reason, to me, fruit and milk did not go together.
Some things go. Like for my school lunches (always a bag lunch from home). Bologna or "old fashioned loaf" (meat-like

did not go with our little half pint milk carton. But PB&J did. As a kid it had to be jelly, not preserves. And I was crunch but my brother had to have creamy. Meat sandwhich would go with chips, but not PB&J. Chips were bought in big cans (bulk) by mom. "Charles Chip" Anyone remember these?
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Where do we get those specific likes and dislikes as a kid? They're quite strong.