• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

Searching for the right Dawn


I have a Problem with my Installation of Dawn, For a long time I installed Dawn, after my HD Crash I lost some of my DAZ Files and now I become Error Messages when I will open older DAZ Scenes.

data/bobbie25/casual short dress/casual short dress/b25casualshortdress.dsf

data/bobbie25/casual short dress/casual short dress/uv sets/bobbie25/base/default.dsf

data/hivewire 3d/dawn/base/dawn.dsf

data/hivewire 3d/dawn/base/morphs/hivewire 3d/base/alias_head_phmcheekfrontfull.dsf

data/hivewire 3d/dawn/base/morphs/hivewire 3d/base/alias_head_phmcheeksidefull.dsf

data/hivewire 3d/dawn/base/morphs/hivewire 3d/base/alias_head_phmnosewide.dsf

data/hivewire 3d/dawn/base/morphs/hivewire 3d/base/alias_lhand_lctrlfist.dsf

data/hivewire 3d/dawn/base/morphs/hivewire 3d/base/alias_lhand_lctrlhandstraighten.dsf

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data/hivewire 3d/dawn/base/morphs/hivewire 3d/base/alias_rhand_rctrlhandstraighten.dsf

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data/hivewire 3d/dawn/base/morphs/hivewire 3d/base/ctrlarmsdown.dsf

data/hivewire 3d/dawn/base/morphs/hivewire 3d/base/ctrlarmsforward.dsf

data/hivewire 3d/dawn/base/morphs/hivewire 3d/base/lhand_lctrlfist.dsf

data/hivewire 3d/dawn/base/morphs/hivewire 3d/base/lhand_lctrlhandstraighten.dsf

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data/hivewire 3d/dawn/base/morphs/hivewire 3d/base/pbmclavicalprominence.dsf

data/hivewire 3d/dawn/base/morphs/hivewire 3d/base/pbmhipboneheight.dsf

data/hivewire 3d/dawn/base/morphs/hivewire 3d/base/pbmhipbonewidth.dsf

data/hivewire 3d/dawn/base/morphs/hivewire 3d/base/pbmhipsfull.dsf

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data/hivewire 3d/dawn/base/morphs/hivewire 3d/base/rhand_rctrlfist.dsf

data/hivewire 3d/dawn/base/morphs/hivewire 3d/base/rhand_rctrlhandstraighten.dsf

data/hivewire 3d/dawn/base/morphs/outoftouch/alias_head_oot-dawnirissmooth.dsf

data/hivewire 3d/dawn/base/morphs/outoftouch/oot-dawnirissmooth.dsf

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data/hivewire 3d/glam ponytail/base/uv sets/hivewire 3d/base/default.dsf


runtime/textures/hivewire 3d/dawn/1_dawneyes.jpg

runtime/textures/hivewire 3d/dawn/1_dawneyes2.jpg

runtime/textures/hivewire 3d/dawn/1_dawneyesb.jpg

runtime/textures/hivewire 3d/dawn/2_dawnmouth.jpg

runtime/textures/hivewire 3d/dawn/2_dawnmouthb.jpg
runtime/textures/hivewire 3d/dawn/2_dawnmouths.jpg
runtime/textures/hivewire 3d/dawn/3_dawnface.jpg
runtime/textures/hivewire 3d/dawn/3_dawnface2.jpg
runtime/textures/hivewire 3d/dawn/3_dawnfaceb.jpg
runtime/textures/hivewire 3d/dawn/3_dawnfaces.jpg
runtime/textures/hivewire 3d/dawn/3a_dawnarms.jpg
runtime/textures/hivewire 3d/dawn/3a_dawnarmsb.jpg
runtime/textures/hivewire 3d/dawn/3a_dawnarmss.jpg
runtime/textures/hivewire 3d/dawn/3b_dawnlegs.jpg
runtime/textures/hivewire 3d/dawn/3b_dawnlegsb.jpg
runtime/textures/hivewire 3d/dawn/3b_dawnlegss.jpg
runtime/textures/hivewire 3d/dawn/3c_dawntorso.jpg
runtime/textures/hivewire 3d/dawn/3c_dawntorsob.jpg
runtime/textures/hivewire 3d/dawn/3c_dawntorsos.jpg
runtime/textures/hivewire 3d/dawn/4_dawnlashes.jpg
runtime/textures/hivewire 3d/dawn/5_dawnnails.jpg
runtime/textures/hivewire 3d/hair/glamhair/glamhaircaptex06.jpg
runtime/textures/hivewire 3d/hair/glamhair/glamhaircaptr.jpg
runtime/textures/hivewire 3d/hair/glamhair/glamhairsmstrandstrans.jpg
runtime/textures/hivewire 3d/hair/glamhair/glamhairstrandstrans.jpg
runtime/textures/hivewire 3d/hair/glamhair/glamhairtex06.jpg

And now I´m looking for the right Dawn to sell she again.

Thank you for help



Contributing Artist
welcome to the Hive!:bee::bee::bee:

Have you tried reinstalling Dawn? It's possible that the crash corrupted files. So I would recommend doing a new install of Dawn and the glamhair. The casual short dress appears to be a daz one by Bobbie25 with textures from Sarsa. I would recommend reinstalling those too. If you use dim would be easy enough to uninstall and reinstall the last two. Just do a search for casual short dress and it should show up.


Thank you for help - but as I mentioned I have the Dawn lost and want buy her here in the shop but what is the right Dawn.

Thank you in advance.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
If you purchased Dawn here originally, all you need to do is re-download her from your account. The most current version is Dawn Special Edition (DawnSE for short). You can find her here --> Dawn Special Edition.

If you acquired Dawn when you purchased Poser 11 at Renderosity, then all you need to do is download again from your account at Renderosity. Oh wait, I see you mentioned DAZ, which I'm assuming is DAZ|Studio you're referring to, so you wouldn't have gotten her with that software.


Contributing Artist
Thanks Miss B...would the free version of Dawn still show up in her Downloads? I think it would if that is what she is using.

I've circled the relevant areas you'll need Sandra.

Click on accounts at the top and then click on downloadable products. If you bought Dawn here it should be there. Otherwise if you bought at Rendo you would need to find your order over there.


  • account download.jpg
    account download.jpg
    297.3 KB · Views: 226

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Otherwise if you bought at Rendo you would need to find your order over there.
Good point Pen, as I was thinking of the "free content" that came with Poser 11, in which case Sandra would have to go to Posersoftware.com and click on the Downloads link at the top of the page, and then click on the Download Additional Files link. Her Poser 11 software license number would be needed to reach that last page which would give her the downloads that came with Poser 11.

Of course, Renderosity DOES have Dawn for sale in their store so, as you mentioned, if she purchased her there, then she would find the download in her Account there for re-downloading. Since she mentioned "free" Dawn, I was assuming she had the Poser 11 software which includes several of the HW characters, including Dawn, at no extra cost.