Hi, I have serched and tried to find how actually , DAZ uber iray , Bse>Diffuse>translucency>base color effect , option work. (as clear RGB value, which will be used as final translucency color)
As you know, this option is important, because iray use "translucency color " as Filter for SSS effect first.
then with "base color effect" option, it change how circluate SSS effect too.
But I can not still find, how it is circulated. I can only try and test then see shader generate effect, but really hope to know clear formula, what RGB will be send for SSS effect. (or what is final translucency color,
after base color effect.
I can easy find, when Base color is "scatter only", Base color have no effect about translucency.
but the problem are, when I set Base color effect as
1. "scatter and transmit"
2 "scatter and transmit weight"
I have read many times, the section of DAZ uber iray document. then can understand abstractly how each option work. but to easy set SSS what I planed, I really hope to know, how "base color effect options" decide, translucency color which send to second layer as SSS base color as mathmatics formula. of (RGB)
Please teach or help me , if someone already found or asked DAZ then get answer, how base color (RGB)
circulate for addtional translucency color , with transulucency weight value, about case 2 and case 3.
then hope to find stable formula.
final translucency color = f(base color, translucency weight, translucency color)
I know already, we can ignore "reflactant SSS tint", it is just for modify old iray shader mat
it just be multipled for "Base color" then the multipled color are used for real "base color"
about this case, I keep it as "perfect white", that means, reflecant tint SSS have no effect about "base color"
and function, what I hope to find.
The reason why I hope to find clear formula, with each value of shader, I have tried to help ,
Thomas Larson DAZ import plug-in improvement. who offer "cool blender plug in" for daz studio contents.
Diffeomorphic: DAZ Importer version 1.2
Diffeomorphic / Import DAZ — Bitbucket
It is really enhanced already, it can import rig , most of mat and texture for blender.
then at current, he keep trying to convert daz iray mat, for blender cycles node,
mainly use principled BSDF to get more reliable PBR material.
it have been improved, but As you know, cycles and iray is clear different render,and shader differently work.
then we may need to convert and get aproximately same mat produced by cycles and textures which we used for daz iray mat.
glossy or metalness thing is not so difficult, but about refraction, translucency, and SSS we need more tweaking. because DAZ made uber iray shader with many option.
I can almost found how refraction thigns work, (though it is not so simple to covnert for principled bsdf)
But the translucency color and SSS parmeters effect much for figure skin. (it is purpose we use this plug-in for blender), then hope to produce most relibable stable converion manner.
I am not professional for those shader things, then hope another daz studio users who have more mathmatic, and shader knowledge help me, or you can direct tell your knowledge to Thomas Rarson. to enhance his plug-in. he never asked me, to help his plug-in ,it is just what I hope to do. simply because,
I like blender, and hope to use daz contents with blender (and redner cycles)
Anyway, even though it is not for blender plug-in, Do not you simply hope to know, each base color effect option how circulate, and used for translucency and SSS effect? At least I hope to know, but unfortunately, I could not get answer from DAZ official about these things, it is out of their support things.
and I am not native speaker, and can not use daz formula anymore, for some my personal reason.
then I can only ask another daz users to help and teach me. (and it is not nvidia matter, because daz add those option for base color effect,,)
hope someone find this topic, and will offer answer . (though it is prediction, we can test, then if ti work well,
we can use the formula, as an approximation.
As you know, this option is important, because iray use "translucency color " as Filter for SSS effect first.
then with "base color effect" option, it change how circluate SSS effect too.
But I can not still find, how it is circulated. I can only try and test then see shader generate effect, but really hope to know clear formula, what RGB will be send for SSS effect. (or what is final translucency color,
after base color effect.
I can easy find, when Base color is "scatter only", Base color have no effect about translucency.
but the problem are, when I set Base color effect as
1. "scatter and transmit"
2 "scatter and transmit weight"
I have read many times, the section of DAZ uber iray document. then can understand abstractly how each option work. but to easy set SSS what I planed, I really hope to know, how "base color effect options" decide, translucency color which send to second layer as SSS base color as mathmatics formula. of (RGB)
Please teach or help me , if someone already found or asked DAZ then get answer, how base color (RGB)
circulate for addtional translucency color , with transulucency weight value, about case 2 and case 3.
then hope to find stable formula.
final translucency color = f(base color, translucency weight, translucency color)
I know already, we can ignore "reflactant SSS tint", it is just for modify old iray shader mat
it just be multipled for "Base color" then the multipled color are used for real "base color"
about this case, I keep it as "perfect white", that means, reflecant tint SSS have no effect about "base color"
and function, what I hope to find.
The reason why I hope to find clear formula, with each value of shader, I have tried to help ,
Thomas Larson DAZ import plug-in improvement. who offer "cool blender plug in" for daz studio contents.
Diffeomorphic: DAZ Importer version 1.2
Diffeomorphic / Import DAZ — Bitbucket
It is really enhanced already, it can import rig , most of mat and texture for blender.
then at current, he keep trying to convert daz iray mat, for blender cycles node,
mainly use principled BSDF to get more reliable PBR material.
it have been improved, but As you know, cycles and iray is clear different render,and shader differently work.
then we may need to convert and get aproximately same mat produced by cycles and textures which we used for daz iray mat.
glossy or metalness thing is not so difficult, but about refraction, translucency, and SSS we need more tweaking. because DAZ made uber iray shader with many option.
I can almost found how refraction thigns work, (though it is not so simple to covnert for principled bsdf)
But the translucency color and SSS parmeters effect much for figure skin. (it is purpose we use this plug-in for blender), then hope to produce most relibable stable converion manner.
I am not professional for those shader things, then hope another daz studio users who have more mathmatic, and shader knowledge help me, or you can direct tell your knowledge to Thomas Rarson. to enhance his plug-in. he never asked me, to help his plug-in ,it is just what I hope to do. simply because,
I like blender, and hope to use daz contents with blender (and redner cycles)
Anyway, even though it is not for blender plug-in, Do not you simply hope to know, each base color effect option how circulate, and used for translucency and SSS effect? At least I hope to know, but unfortunately, I could not get answer from DAZ official about these things, it is out of their support things.
and I am not native speaker, and can not use daz formula anymore, for some my personal reason.
then I can only ask another daz users to help and teach me. (and it is not nvidia matter, because daz add those option for base color effect,,)
hope someone find this topic, and will offer answer . (though it is prediction, we can test, then if ti work well,
we can use the formula, as an approximation.